A pretty striking First Amendment violation rectified, below.  Suppose the
"uniqueness" requirement applied to all student organizations?  Not that any
state university would ever do that.  But if it did, what rule for religious

Tom Berg


Center for Law and Religious Freedom Secures Recognition from Penn State
University for Christian Student Club

UNIVERSITY PARK, PA - The Pennsylvania State University agreed yesterday to
grant DiscipleMakers Christian Fellowship status as a University approved
student organization.  The University's decision came in response to a
lawsuit the Christian Legal Society's Center for Law and Religious Freedom
filed against it on June 22, 2004.  

The CLS Center filed the lawsuit because Penn State refused to recognize
DiscipleMakers.  The University claimed the campus already had "too many"
Christian clubs.  The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the
Middle District of Pennsylvania, alleges that the University's use of a
"uniqueness requirement" to deprive Christian student clubs of the status
and benefits of an approved club is unconstitutional.  According to Penn
State's former policy, religious student organizations, unlike secular
school clubs, were required to prove to a University administrator, the
Director of the Center for Ethics and Religious Affairs, that they were
sufficiently "unique" from existing religious student clubs to warrant

Penn State's Counsel now assures Center attorneys that student clubs with a
"religious purpose or function will no longer be subject to the policy which
precludes registration if those purposes or functions duplicate those of an
already existing registered student organization."  The University's counsel
specifically guaranteed that Penn State will approve DiscipleMakers as a
registered student organization.  

Christian Legal Society, a 42 year-old nationwide association of Christian
attorneys, law students, law professors, and judges, established the Center
for Law and Religious Freedom in 1975.  The Center is among the most
respected voices in the religious liberty arena.
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