My guesses:

On Jun 1, 2005, at 9:30 AM, Marc Stern wrote:

Footnote 8 in Justice Ginsburg’s opinion suggests that the state has no obligation to pay for an”inmate’s devotional accessories.” What does this sentence-which involved no issue litigated in Cutter mean for the cost of chaplains (especially for minority faiths),

not an "accessory"; obligation to permit; not pay for

for religious diets, 

the footnote means little here, but religious diets will need to be accommodated unless truly excessively burdensome -- some additional cost will need to be borne

or for that matter the administrative costs of complying with RLUIPA,

state must comply and pay more to do so -- but need not buy special clothing, icons, altars, etc.

Marc Stern


Prof. Steven D. Jamar                                     vox:  202-806-8017

Howard University School of Law                           fax:  202-806-8428

2900 Van Ness Street NW                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Washington, DC  20008 

"I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. . . . Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Martin Luther King, Jr., (1963)

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