It has been said, in part: "Whether Judge Roberts is a reader of Finnis or 
not, I think when he refers to following the rule of law he means that he will 
follow the law as enacted rather than substituting for it his view of what is 

Comment: Enacted by WHOM? This is the most important question hanging over this 
entire discussion: Who is the law-giver, the ultimate source of law -- God or 
man? And when Judge Roberts says, repeatedly, that he does not believe it is 
proper to infer a lawyer's personal views or beliefs from the arguments 
advanced by that lawyer on behalf of a client, one answer is: Of course you 
can. And one thing you can infer is that the lawyer did not "personally" 
believe the client or cause to be so ub-Godly, immoral or illegal that he 
refused to defend said client and/or cause. May God bless us all --- as He does 
when we obey Him. John Lofton.
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