Ed Brayton replied while I was away from my office with a link to the
quite thorough critique written by Alan Gishlick, Nick Matzke, and Wesley
R. Elsberry; I would have posted the same link, which should more than
suffice.  For a less technical but no less devastating critique of ID's
claim to be science, see Jerry Coyne, The Case Against Intelligent Design,
The Faith That Dare Not Speak Its Name, The New Republic (August 22, 2005)
http://tnr.com/docprint.mhtml?i=20050822&s=coyne082205 (subscription

Michael R. Masinter                     3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law                        Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University            (954) 262-6151 (voice)
Shepard Broad Law Center                (954) 262-3835 (fax)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Chair, ACLU of Florida Legal Panel

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Steve Monsma wrote:

> I have exercised great will power in holding my tongue (or, more accurately, 
> my
> keyboard) in not responding to the earlier posts in regard to ID.  But,
> Michael, your post finally overcame my will power.  Unless I am missing some
> posts and links to which they pointed, I need to question your claim that
> Meyer's aritcle is filled with distortions, takes statements out of context,
> etc., etc.  The only link you offer is to a spoof of ID that in itself grossly
> misrepresents ID.  I have not read Meyer's article and I am not a biologist so
> can offer no judgment on it.  But I have read an op ed essay he had in the NY
> Times years ago and have used in often in some of my classes.  It was a
> thoughtful, balanced essay, so I would be surprised if he is now engaging in
> the unethical behavior Michael seems to assume he is.
> Stephen Monsma
> Henry Institute,
> Calvin College
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/18/05 10:16 AM >>>
> Hostility to bad science is not hostility to religious faith; the free
> exercise clause and Title VII only protect against religiously motivated
> hostile environments.  Whether the hostility reported in the NR piece was
> motivated by bad science or religious bias is far less clear to me than to
> Klinghoffer; it is Klinghoffer who uses loaded phraseology like "the
> writer had learned how to deal with religious Christians," and OSC
> ultimately concluded only that it lacked jurisdiction.
> Scientists who make claims that lack evidentiary support, that distort the
> work of other scientists, and that take statements of other scientists out
> of context to misrepresent their views generally do not engender respect
> from their colleagues.  Mr. Meyer has every right to believe in
> intelligent design or intelligent falling,
> http://www.onion.com/news/index.php?issue=4133&n=2 or, for that matter,
> perpetual motion machines, but he has no right to have his beliefs treated
> as responsible scientific claims or to be shielded from contempt for
> having claimed otherwise.
> Michael R. Masinter                   3305 College Avenue
> Professor of Law                      Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
> Nova Southeastern University          (954) 262-6151 (voice)
> Shepard Broad Law Center              (954) 262-3835 (fax)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     Chair, ACLU of Florida Legal Panel
> On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > David Klinghoffer reports on findings of the OSC in the flap over  
> > discollegial reactions to publication of a intelligent design article in one
> the  
> > Institution's journals.  See 
> > _http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/klinghoffer200508160826.asp_ 
> > (http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/klinghoffer200508160826.asp) .
> >  
> > Jim Henderson
> > Senior Counsel
> > ACLJ
> > 
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