I read with interest a CNN article on the continuing controversy over the Denmark Cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed.  Of particular interest was the following:
"The Danish government says it does not control what is in the country's newspapers and that courts will determine whether the newspaper that originally published the cartoons is guilty of blasphemy."
Sometimes I think we take it so for granted that "blasphemy" is not forbidden in the U.S. that to hear of a European country which regulates _expression_ in this manner comes as a shock.  Does anybody know the details of Danish "blasphemy" law?

Will Esser --- Ad Majorem D! ei Gloriam
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein
Charlotte, North Carolina

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light.
Plato (428-345 B.C.)
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