On Aug 28, 2006, at 11:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

God is absolutely in control.

"By me kings reign
and rulers decree justice
By me princes rule, and nobles
all the judges of the earth."  Proverbs 8:15-16 (NKJV)

Debra Cook

With all due respect, Ms. Cook, I see no reference to elected officials in that particular verse. Nor do we have any princes or noble class in the United States. And frankly, the rulers of this land AREN'T decreeing justice. So ultimately, we can waste our time debating whether or not your god is in control--but this isn't the place for it. We are a secular nation, not a theocracy. If your god has a problem with that, your god can certainly make it clear if s/he chooses. Which s/he hasn't done to my satisfaction, and so IMNSHO, has left it up to you and me to make what we will of this nation. Leave your god out of the discussion, if you please.

Jean Dudley

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