Michael Masinter wrote:

Contraceptives prevent pregnancy, and only women get pregnant.
Denying contraceptive coverage to men does not expose men to
pregnancy, but denying coverage to women does expose women to

Let's tease out the issues here. It's possible that denying coverage for contraceptives violates the PDA because of its consequences for the risk of unwanted pregnancy, a risk whose effect is uniquely borne by women. If that's true, though, it shouldn't matter who is using the contraceptives, men or women. Let's call this the "PDA argument."

But, as I understand it, the EEOC didn't make the PDA argument, at least as such. Instead, it wrote that "By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the college) is discriminating based on gender because only females take oral prescription contraceptives"? Let's call this the "straightforward argument." This was the argument to which I was responding.

The consequences of the two arguments are obviously very different. For example, the straightforward argument would apply, but the PDA argument would not, if an employer denied coverage for some other type of treatment that was directed only at women, such as, say, post-menopausal hormone therapy. Conversely, the PDA argument would apply, but the straightforward argument would not, if (counterfactually) there were equally-available prescription contraceptive pills for both men and women, and an employer denied coverage for both types of contraceptives.

I've already suggested why the straightforward argument doesn't impress me -- it penalizes Belmont Abbey for institutional decisions made by someone else, and it doesn't give an honest account of the best description of what Belmont Abbey is doing. The PDA argument strikes me as stronger in principle, but I'm not sure (though this is far from the area of my expertise) that the text or policy of the PDA can support the weight of it.


Perry Dane
Professor of Law

Rutgers University
School of Law  -- Camden
217 North Fifth Street
Camden, NJ 08102

Bio: www.camlaw.rutgers.edu/bio/925/
SSRN Author page: www.ssrn.com/author=48596
Academia.edu page: http://rutgers.academia.edu/PerryDane

Work:   (856) 225-6004
Fax:       (856) 969-7924
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