Today's news cure for irony deficiency anemia; observant Sikhs can defend our religious freedom, but cannot work for A&F?

Michael R. Masinter                      3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law                         Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University             954.262.6151 (voice)                        954.262.3835 (fax)

Quoting Joel Sogol <>:

 <> Enlisted Sikh
Becomes First in 30 Years to Win Right to Wear Faith Articles in Army
The National Law Journal

For the first time in more than 30 years, the U.S. military has allowed an
enlisted Sikh soldier to maintain his religiously mandated turban, beard and
hair while serving in the Army. A team of lawyers at McDermott Will & Emery
and attorneys at the Sikh Coalition also won one-time exceptions last year
for two Sikh Army officers. The teams' efforts have spurred interest in
Congress; in the past year, more than 50 members have written to military
officials requesting that Sikhs be accepted into the U.S. Armed Forces.

Joel L. Sogol

Attorney at Law

811 21st Avenue

Tuscaloosa, Alabama  35401

ph (205) 345-0966

fx  (205) 345-0971


Ben Franklin observed that truth wins a fair fight -- which is why we have
evidence rules in U.S. courts.

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