"Appropriate Relief" at Issue in Case Involving Religious Freedom Law

By Mary Alice Robbins <mailto:mrobb...@alm.com> 

Texas Lawyer <http://www.texaslawyer.com> 

November 01, 2010

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Nov. 2 on whether the phrase
"appropriate relief" in the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons
Act (RLUIPA) alerted Texas that accepting federal funds waived its immunity
from suits for money damages under the act.

Passed by Congress in 2000, the RLUIPA prohibits government from imposing
burdens on worship by persons in prisons or other institutions. Italso gives
religious institutions a way to challenge zoning restrictions on the use of
their land that they believe are burdensome. Although the case centers on a
prisoner, some religious institutions fear that a ruling against the inmate
could make it harder for them to fight local zoning regulations. Eight
groups have filed amici briefs in the case, one of those for the defense.

The question in Sossamon v. Texas, et al. is whether an individual can sue
the state or a state official in his or her official capacity for damages
for RLUIPA violations. Plaintiff Harvey Leroy Sossamon, a state prison
inmate, alleges that prison policies denied him access to the prison chapel
by banning inmates from attending worship services there and denied him the
right to attend worship services while on cell restriction.

As noted in the defendants' brief to the Supreme Court, the state changed
its policies after Sossamon filed his suit. Now cell-restricted inmates in
the general population can attend worship services at all state correctional
facilities. And as of March 6, inmates willing to undergo a strip search are
permitted to attend scheduled worship services in a chapel.

Howe & Russell partner Kevin K. Russell of Bethesda, Md., Sossamon's
attorney, says, "From our point of view, the question is whether RLUIPA is a
second-class civil rights statute."

Russell is a lecturer for the Stanford University School of Law Supreme
Court Litigation Clinic, which represents Sossamon. He says plaintiffs can
be awarded damages for violations of all other major civil rights statutes.

Sossamon argues that the high court has ruled that the same language in
other civil rights statutes does put states on notice that accepting federal
funds waives their sovereign immunity from suits for money damages. In his
brief to the Supreme Court, Sossamon argues that the Supreme Court concluded
in 2002's Barnes v. Gorman that Title II of the Americans With Disabilities
Act and §504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 unambiguously provided for
damages as remedies. Each authorizes "appropriate relief" against federal
funding recipients.

Sossamon also contends in his brief that the Rehabilitation Act Amendments
of 1986 independently put the state on notice that it was subject to the
same damages remedy as private defendants under any "statute prohibiting
discrimination" by recipients of federal funds.

Texas Solicitor General James C. Ho will argue for the Sossamon defendants
at the Supreme Court. Texas Office of the Attorney General spokesman Tom
Kelley declines a request to interview Ho.

The defendants argue in their brief to the Supreme Court that, to establish
a waiver of the state's sovereign immunity from his claims for damages,
Sossamon must identify "unmistakably clear" statutory text that put state
officials on notice that by accepting federal funding, they consented to
suits for money damages. That is not possible under the RLUIPA, which
creates a private cause of action for "appropriate relief against a
government," the defendants contend.

"The phrase 'appropriate relief' is a textbook example of ambiguity — not
unmistakable clarity," the defendants allege in their brief.

The defendants also argue that 1986's Rehabilitation Act Amendments do not
apply to Sossamon's claims because §3 of RLUIPA, which applies to
institutionalized persons, does not prohibit discrimination. They argue that
§3 requires favorable — not equal — treatment.

Defendants in Sossamon in addition to the state are Christina Melton Crain,
the Texas Criminal Justice Board's former chairwoman; Cathy Clement, former
assistant director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Correctional
Institution Division Region VI; Brad Livingston, TDCJ executive director;
Doug Dretke, the Correctional Institution Division's former executive
director; and Robert Eason, a former senior warden of TCDJ's French M.
Robertson Unit.

Clear as Mud

Sossamon petitioned the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari in May 2009
after the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the judgment of the
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas in Austin in favor of
the defendants.

As noted in its Feb. 17, 2009, opinion, the 5th Circuit found, among other
things, that "RLUIPA is clear enough to create a right for damages . . . but
not clear enough to do so in a manner that abrogates state sovereign
immunity from suits for monetary relief." The 5th Circuit held that
Sossamon's claims for monetary relief from Texas and its officers in their
official capacities are barred. The 5th Circuit also "decline[d] to find any
authority for individual-capacity actions in the statute."

At the Supreme Court's invitation, the United States submitted an amicus
curiae brief in which the government contends, "If damages are unavailable
in actions against States and their officials, RLUIPA's enforcement will be
significantly undermined."

U.S. Department of Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler confirms in an e-mail
that Sarah Harrington, assistant to the U.S. solicitor general, will argue
before the Supreme Court in Sossamon, but Schmaler declines a request to
interview Harrington.

Of the eight amici briefs submitted to the Supreme Court, one supports the
defendants' position. Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum submitted an
amici brief, in which he is joined by the attorneys general of 29 other

That brief alleges, "The Amici States did not anticipate that the broad term
'appropriate relief' in the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons
Act (RLUIPA) would waive their sovereign immunity to damages actions. To
subject the States to damages actions on the basis of the ambiguous phrase
'appropriate relief' would offend well-established principles of federalism
and stare decisis."

The National Association of Evangelicals, represented by Plano-based Liberty
Institute, alleges in its amicus brief supporting Sossamon that the RLUIPA
is of "vital importance" to its constituents, because the federal law is
"the most effective, and sometimes the only effective, means available" to
protect religious ministries from local governments that have an incentive
to "quell" the ministries with land-use regulations to attract businesses
that generate tax revenue.

Kelly Shackelford, Liberty Institute's chief counsel, says that while the
arguments being made in Sossamon are in the context of the prisoner's suit,
the 5th Circuit's opinion, if it stands, will apply across the board to
religious groups as well as institutionalized persons.

"The ruling could do great harm to the protections for religious
organizations, which were a huge part of the reason it [RLUIPA] was passed
in the first place," Shackelford says.

He says, "The law's not very useful if you can't get damages."

But University of Texas School of Law professor emeritus Doug Laycock, a
religious liberty scholar, says he is not optimistic that the Supreme Court
will rule that an individual can sue a state or state officials for monetary

"It's a tough sell on this court," says Laycock, now a professor at the
University of Virginia School of Law.

Laycock says that for the past 35 years, there continuously has been a 5-4
split on the high court in support of the states' immunity from suits for
damages. "Sovereign immunity is like an article of faith for the five
conservatives on the court," he says. 

Mary Alice Robbins is on Twitter at www.twitter.com/maryarobbins.



Joel L. Sogol

Attorney at Law

811 21st Avenue

Tuscaloosa, Alabama  35401

ph (205) 345-0966

fx  (205) 345-0971

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Ben Franklin observed that truth wins a fair fight -- which is why we have
evidence rules in U.S. courts.


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