I'm inclined to think that Eugene's original post (no standing, no ripeness) is 
spot-on in this case.  Maybe there is an argument that anyone who resides in 
Oklahoma has "frequent regular contact" with any principle in the Oklahoma 
Constitution, but I wouldn't buy it. (How would we distinguish this case from 
any other objection, based on insult, disparagement, or offense, to a 
constitutional provision?  Perhaps standing would be OK in any such case -- 
suppose the voters declared the state to be a White Supremacist state?)
I think the deeper problem here -- and the reason why we have so many anomalous 
standing doctrines in Establishment Clause law, like taxpayer standing and 
observer standing  -- is that the Clause primarily stands for a polity 
principle, and not a rights-based principle.  So, for example, if Oklahoma 
voters had approved a provision declaring the state to have a Christian 
identity, we'd all know that the incorporated Establishment Clause had been 
violated, but we'd have the same trouble finding a proper plaintiff (one who 
satisfied Art. III standards) to challenge it in a federal court.

Perhaps the Oklahoma state courts would be a more legally hospitable forum 
(though we would of course want to know more about re-elections or recall 
elections for state court judges in Oklahoma). 

Ira C. Lupu
F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law
George Washington University Law School
2000 H St., NW 
Washington, DC 20052
My SSRN papers are here:

---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 14:11:32 -0800
>From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu (on behalf of "Volokh, Eugene" 
>Subject: RE: TRO against Oklahoma "no use of Sharia Law"  
>To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics <religionlaw@lists.ucla.edu>
>   A A A A A A A A A A A A A A  I'm not sure whether
>   Prof. Jamar is making a point about what standing
>   law should be, or what it is now.A  But as to the
>   latter, as best I can tell, the Court has never held
>   that anyone has standing to challenge a law just
>   because the law itself endorses or disapproves of a
>   religion.A  And Newdow v. Levefre (9th Cir. 2010),
>   http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=753698042392989497,
>   seems to hold that there is no standing in such
>   cases:
>   Newdow lacks standing to challenge 36 U.S.C. AS:
>   302, which merely recognizes "In God We Trust" is
>   the national motto. Unlike AS:AS: 5112(d)(1) and
>   5114(b) [which provide for the placement of the
>   motto on currency], AS: 302 does not authorize or
>   require the inscription of the motto on any object.
>   Without AS:AS: 5112 and 5114, the motto would not
>   appear on coins and currency, and Newdow would lack
>   the "unwelcome direct contact" with the motto that
>   gives rise to his injury-in-fact. Although Newdow
>   alleges the national motto turns Atheists into
>   political outsiders and inflicts a stigmatic injury
>   upon them, an "abstract stigmatic injury" resulting
>   from such outsider status is insufficient to confer
>   standing.
>   Other lower court cases recognizing standing to
>   challenge monuments, city seals, and the like have
>   likewise all stressed the objectors' "frequent
>   regular contact" with the offending inscriptions and
>   symbols.A  Or am I missing something here?
>   A A A A A A A A A A A A A A  Eugene
>   From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu
>   [mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On
>   Behalf Of Steven Jamar
>   Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 2:04 PM
>   To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
>   Subject: Re: TRO against Oklahoma "no use of Sharia
>   Law"
>   Simplest establishment standing case ever.
>    Disfavoring one religion is an establishment
>   violation -- that gives anyone standing.  Of course
>   the current court could change the rules and
>   restrict standing in this area as they have in
>   others.  Since it is at least theoretically possible
>   that someone in Oklahoma could suffer actual harm
>   from this provision (enforcement of an
>   internationally valid Will which is compliant with
>   Hanafi or Shafai or Wahabi or other schools of
>   Islamic jurisprudence, for example), the court could
>   use this to trim establishment claim standing.
>   On Nov 9, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Volokh, Eugene wrote:
>   I thought I'd ask list members what they thought
>   about this.  Here's my post on the subject, in case
>   it's of interest - I'd love to hear whether others
>   on the list agree.
> http://volokh.com/2010/11/09/district-court-temporarily-enjoins-oklahoma-no-use-of-shariah-law-in-court-constitutional-amendment
>   -- 
>   Prof. Steven D. Jamar                   
>    vox:  202-806-8017
>   Associate Director, Institute for Intellectual
>   Property and Social Justice http://iipsj.org
>   Howard University School of Law         
>    fax:  202-806-8567
>   http://iipsj.com/SDJ/
>   "Never doubt that the work of a small group of
>   thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
>   Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
>   Margaret Meade
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