Ellis, the government accommodates people all of the time.  By law, it
is required to accommodate certain groups of people--e.g., to build
ramps so that citizens can get into public buildings, to provide waivers
of rules to certain people who get public benefits.   I can't legally
insist that the government build me a ramp, but a disabled person can. 
Is that impermissible?  I think not--the government has seen that some
people have a particular burden in fully functioning as citizens, and
allowed for it.   
In practice, the government accommodates a lot more people.  Every time
a cop stops you and decides not to give you a ticket for speeding,
he/she is essentially accommodating you---he/she is not applying a law
that he should, because of some circumstance he/she has discovered about
you that is distinctive (you're rushing to the hospital, for example.)
A permissible accommodation for a group (including a religious group)
is simply a circumstance in which government says, "we have seen that X
number of people or this particular group needs to have us apply our
discretion to do right by them and not disadvantage them because of
their particular characteristic.  So we're going to make a "rule"
accommodating this group, so that each officer looking at their
individual circumstance doesn't have to make the individual decision
whether their distinctive circumstance warrants not applying the law to
them (i.e., not giving them the ticket.)  We think all of these folks
should be treated the same, no matter who the officer is."
It kills me to sound like Justice Scalia, but if the government
willingly accommodates all of these folks in all of these circumstances,
but refuses to accommodate some folks when the only reason for their
particular difference/exception is religious, isn't that discrimination
on the basis of religion banned by the Free Exercise Clause?  
Now, you might argue that religious accommodations are different
because individuals "choose" to be in those situations where they need
an exception, but surely most religious people don't "choose" their
situation any more than you "chose" to speed in order to get to the
hospital faster.   
Finally, don't you think it is a very good thing, ethically, if we have
a government that is willing in lots of circumstances to say, "you as a
person matter to us more than our rule, and we are willing to see you as
a person?"  There will, of course, be a point where the law becomes
incoherent if the government looks at every individual case to see what
the result should be, but where it is not disruptive to the system, why
shouldn't we want the government to see us as persons and not as objects
to which the law needs to be applied.

Marie A. Failinger

Professor of Law
Editor, Journal of Law and Religion
Hamline University School of Law
1536 Hewitt Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104 U.S.A.
651-523-2124 (work phone)
651-523-2236 (work fax)
mfailin...@hamline.edu (email)

>>> "West, Ellis" <ew...@richmond.edu> 4/12/2012 2:34 PM >>>

Although the District Court may be correct in saying that the primary
purpose of the policy is not “to establish the religion of Islam” or to
“promote the practice of Islam,” it does concede that the policy
“makes accommodating a multitude of religious practices and beliefs
easier and more economical.”  Would someone explain to me how that
purpose and/or effect is “secular” in nature?  Even though Prof. Lupu
may be correct in saying that this particular policy is good way of
accommodating religious beliefs/practices, his comment simply assumes
that a policy of accommodating religious beliefs/practices is secular in
nature.  How so?
Ellis M. West
Emeritus Professor of Political Science 
University of Richmond, VA 23173
From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu
[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Ira Lupu
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 7:32 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: Court upholds prison no-pork policy against Establishment
Clause challenge
Is this outcome surprising in any way?  Does anyone on the list believe
that the court got this wrong? (I certainly don't).


If Congress overrode HHS and eliminated pregnancy prevention services
from mandatory coverage by employers under the Affordable Care Act,
wouldn't the analysis be just the same (imposition of a uniform policy
to avoid religious conflict, avoid any need to create controversial
exceptions for religious entities, avoid piece-meal litigation, and ease
administration of the overall scheme), even though the impetus for
change derived from a demand by some for religious accommodation?

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Volokh, Eugene <vol...@law.ucla.edu>

River v. Mohr (N.D. Ohio Apr. 5, 2012),
http://volokh.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/RiversvMohr.pdf .  

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Ira C. Lupu
F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law
George Washington University Law School
2000 H St., NW 
Washington, DC 20052
My SSRN papers are here:
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