Interesting indeed. I've given some thought to the question of whether courts 
should distinguish two cases. 1. Speakers target young children with messages 
(words or images) arguably relating to matters of public concern that the 
speaker understands will cause the child audience significant emotional 
distress, and 2. Speakers are communicating the same message to an adult 
audience but realize that an incidental consequence of doing so is that young 
children will be exposed to the messages and will be emotionally upset.

Any thoughts, Eugene.


[] On Behalf Of Volokh, Eugene
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 2:54 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics (
Subject: Injunction barring display of "gruesome images" of aborted fetuses 
outside a church

Colleagues:  I might have mentioned this case (which I'm litigating) before on 
the list, but now that the briefing is done I thought I'd pass along all the 
information about it, in case some might find it interesting.  The case is 
Scott v. Saint John's Church in the Wilderness, in which the Colorado Court of 
Appeals upheld an injunction that bars my clients from (among other things) 
displaying "gruesome images" of aborted fetuses outside a church.

The court acknowledged that this was a content-based speech restriction, but 
said that the injunction passed the "strict scrutiny" required for such 
restrictions, because it was supposedly narrowly tailored to a compelling 
government interest in shielding children from such speech.  Our petition 
argues that the Supreme Court should consider the case, because lower courts 
disagree on whether such content-based restrictions are constitutional.  The 
brief in opposition argued that the restriction is content-neutral, and is 
justified by the interest in protecting worship services (though that is not 
the interest the Court of Appeals relied on).  There's a New York Times article 
today by Adam Liptak about it,;.
  Here are the relevant documents (also linked to from
1.    The decision 
2.    The petition for 
3.    The amicus brief of free speech scholars (Profs. Floyd Abrams, Amy Adler, 
Jack Balkin, Vince Blasi, David Cole, Ronald Collins, Alan Dershowitz, Norman 
Dorsen, Daniel Farber, Kent Greenfield, Seth Kreimer, Sanford Levinson, Robert 
O'Neil, Martin Redish, Suzanna Sherry, Geoffrey Stone, Nadine Strossen, 
Jonathan Varat, and James 
4.    The amicus brief of Religion Clauses scholars (Salam Al-Marayti and 
Profs. Michael Ariens, Thomas Berg, Zachary Calo, Bob Destro, Carl Esbeck, 
Marie Failinger, Edward Gaffney, Richard Garnett, Douglas Kmiec, Faisal Kutty, 
Michael Stokes Paulsen, Michael Perry, Richard Stith, and Lynn 
Wardle)<>, written 
by Ed Gaffney.
5.    The amicus brief of historians of art and photography (Profs. Dora Apel, 
Stephen Eisenman, Renée C. Hoogland, Paul Jaskot, William J. Thomas Mitchell, 
Terence Smith, John Tagg, and Rebecca 
6.    The amicus brief of the Center for Bio-Ethical 
7.    Respondents' Brief in 
8.    Our Reply Brief<>.
The Court has scheduled the case to be discussed at the May 30 conference.

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