I cannot help but wonder what Alan's view is of the recent Utah polygamy case.  
It does seem to me that the arguments he so eloquently makes below should apply 
(easiest case) to adult "old-Mormons" who continue to believe that their 
religion encourages (compels?) multiple marriages.  In this instance, at least, 
I suspect there's be relatively little incentive to engage in strategic 
misrepresentation, though the obvious problem is the creation of a new sect, 
perhaps in Colorado, that preaches the virtues both of smoking marijuana and 
multiple marriage (polyandrous and well as polygamous).  I personally have no 
problem with this, though, to put it mildly, I would be surprised if Windsor 
were interpreted to require recognition of such marriages even if, by 
stipulation, Colorado did.


-----Original Message-----
From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu 
[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Alan Brownstein
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 12:19 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: Two kinds of religious exemption arguments

Sorry. My mistake. My post was focusing on statutory accommodations because 
RFRA has been the focus of most of the recent discussion on the list. Eugene is 
quite right that the case for an analogy to family relationships is stronger 
for statutory accommodations.

But there is some basis for analogizing the constitutional protection and 
accommodation of religious liberty to the protection and accommodation of 
family relationships. I don't want to overstate the point here, but the Court 
does discuss freedom of intimate association in Roberts and suggests that such 
associations might be exempt from anti-discrimination laws. Such cases rarely 
come up because statutes do not attempt to subject intimate associations such 
as families to anti-discrimination laws. But I assume that a family could 
assert a family/intimate association exemption should it be subject to 
anti-discrimination laws in various social settings.

Moore v. City of East Cleveland also requires in a sense a family exemption 
from zoning laws.

One might also argue that the right to marry protects the ability to form a 
family and marry the person one loves, even though doing so imposes costs on 
third parties. Cases like Zablocki are not necessarily cost free. A divorced 
father owing child support who starts a new family may have less resources 
available to support his earlier family.

Finally, some, but not all, of the debate about same-sex marriages could be 
characterized as a debate about providing constitutional protection to gay men 
(or lesbians) who love each other and want the state to recognize and protect 
their mutual commitments and the responsibilities they accept that arise from 
those commitments. Many argue that constitutional law requires states to 
accommodate the love, commitment and loyalty of same-sex partners who seek to 
be married notwithstanding state law that only permits marriages between one 
man and one woman. I must admit that I have never understood the argument that 
such marriages impose costs on third parties or the general public. But 
clearly, many people believe that such costs exist. Would proof of some such 
costs, however modest they might be, justify denying same-sex couples the right 
to marry? Or would we insist that it should require a showing of very, very, 
high costs before we would allow a state to refuse to acknowledge!
  and accommodate the right of two adults who love each other and are committed 
to caring for each other to marry.

From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu [religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] 
on behalf of Volokh, Eugene [vol...@law.ucla.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 4:17 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: Two kinds of religious exemption arguments

                I appreciate Alan's point, but I wonder how far it goes.

                First, I might not have been clear enough on this in my post, 
but I was speaking of what should be a matter of constitutional entitlement, or 
entitlement under a generally applicable exemption scheme.  And we generally do 
not provide any constitutional exemption for love- and loyalty-based interests. 
 Loyalty to a friend, a child, a parent, or a spouse won't give you a 
constitutionally mandated exemption from, say, a duty to testify.  (The spousal 
testimonial privileges, I think, is a matter of common law and statute, not a 
constitutional mandate.)  If you quit a job because of a desire to spend more 
time with your children, your spouse, or your aging parents, you will not get a 
constitutional entitlement to unemployment compensation.

                Second, even if we focus on exemptions created as a matter of 
legislative discretion (or common law), there are likewise very few in which 
familial love and loyalty exempt one from what would otherwise be a generally 
applicable rule.  The spousal testimonial privileges are one example, but note 
that even they don't extend to children, parents, or other family members.  
Likewise, the few statutes that impose a general duty to report crimes 
sometimes exempt people from having to report on close relatives.  The Family 
Medical Leave Act might be seen as a statute protecting familial love and 
loyalty against generally applicable employer policies, though there the matter 
might not be so much love and loyalty as providing social goods (care for sick 
family members).  Perhaps the historical exemptions from the draft for fathers 
might qualify, though that too might be best seen as a means of providing 
social goods (financial support and parental guidance for children!
 ) rather than just avoiding intrusion on family relationships.

                So the analogy to family relationships, I think, cuts against 
any constitutional exemption regime (as in Sherbert/Yoder), though it can 
indeed support some statute-by-statute exemptions, including potentially 
high-cost exemptions.  (As I mentioned, low-cost exemptions are subject to 
different arguments.)


From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu 
[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Alan Brownstein
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 2:18 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: Two kinds of religious exemption arguments

              Eugene writes,

"Now it seems to me -- though of course others disagree -- that the normative 
case for a right to impose costs on others through conduct simply because you 
think God requires that conduct is not an appealing case.  Your God is your 
God, not mine; why should I lose some of my legal rights, or some of the 
benefits that various laws seek to confer on me, just because you want to do 
what your God tells you to do?"

I think one answer to Eugene's question is that we value interests such as  
love and loyalty - particularly when they arise in certain kinds of 
relationships.  Suppose the question is "why should we respect the duties and 
obligations that arise out of family relationships." After all, I could say, it 
is Eugene's relationship to his wife, and children and family, not mine, that 
might require him to do things that impose costs on others. Of course, there 
are limits as to the scope of those costs we are willing to incur to 
accommodate family relationships, and a strict scrutiny regime may be the wrong 
way to evaluate and balance such costs. But that is different than saying we 
should never accommodate the duties and obligations arising out of family 
relationships if doing so imposes costs on others.

I think it is reasonable to question which relationships in our society should 
receive accommodations and protection. Certainly, religion and family life may 
not exhaust the range of accommodated relationships. But that is a different 
question than asking whether these relationships warrant accommodation in the 
first place.


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