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Douglas Laycock

Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law

University of Virginia Law School

580 Massie Road

Charlottesville, VA  22903



            Interim Final Rule for Non-profits

The administration is issuing interim final regulations that lay out an
additional way for organizations eligible for an accommodation to provide
notice of their religious objection to providing coverage for contraceptive
services. The rule allows these eligible organizations to notify the
Department of Health and Human Services in writing of their religious
objection to providing contraception coverage.  HHS and the Department of
Labor will then notify insurers and third party administrators so that
enrollees in plans of such organizations receive separate coverage for
contraceptive services, with no additional cost to the enrollee or the
employer.  The interim final rule solicits comments, but goes into effect
upon publication. 


            The interim final rule is here:


            NPRM on Closely Held For-Profit Entities

The administration is also issuing a proposed rule soliciting comments on
how it might extend to certain closely held for-profit entities, like Hobby
Lobby, the same accommodation that is available to non-profit religious
organizations. Under the proposal, these companies would not have to
contract, arrange, pay or refer for contraceptive coverage to which they
object on religious grounds. The proposal seeks comment on how to define a
closely held for-profit company and whether other steps might be appropriate
to implement this policy.  


            The notice of proposed rulemaking is here:



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