Most states have a co-religionist hiring exemption for organizations with 
religious purposes, akin to section 702 of Title VII.  A few have narrower 
co-religionist exemptions, limited to jobs with religious duties of some kind.  
From my reading of Utah law when this story arose last week (I have not 
re-checked), the answer from Rose Saxe of ACLU re: breadth of Utah exemption is 

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> On Mar 12, 2015, at 12:06 PM, Nelson Tebbe <> wrote:
> Here’s are possible answers to my own questions. According to this, SB296 
> does not change Utah law, under which religiously-affiliated nonprofits were 
> already exempt:
> The ACLU was one of the most vocal opponents of ENDA’s religious exemption, 
> but it has endorsed Utah’s bill, despite the fact it has an identical 
> exemption. Rose Saxe, Senior Staff Attorney for the ACLU’s LGBT & AIDS 
> Project, explained to ThinkProgress that what looks like hypocrisy for the 
> civil rights organization actually isn’t because of Utah’s unique 
> circumstances.
> “One of our core principles is that there shouldn’t be a different standard 
> for anti-LGBT discrimination when it comes to religious exemptions,” Saxe 
> confirmed. But “Utah already has an incredibly broad religious exemption,” 
> she explained. “Religious organizations  are just exempt from the definition 
> of ‘employer’ for allforms of protected discrimination. So nobody can sue 
> them for race discrimination, for age discrimination, for sex discrimination. 
> They’re just not an ‘employer’ for purposes of the employment law in Utah. It 
> is one of the broadest exemptions, if not the broadest, in the country.”
> So whereas a religious exemption for sexual orientation and gender identity 
> discrimination in federal law would treat those classes differently than 
> other groups, such an exemption in Utah would actually treat LGBT people 
> exactly the same as other protected classes. And while that exemption might 
> not be ideal, Saxe pointed out that “when you’re adding LGBT protections, 
> it’s not necessarily the time to walk back an existing exemption.” Passing 
> this law would only be a step up for LGBT people, protecting as many as 
> 37,000 LGBT workers across the state, according to the Williams Institute.
> Here’s the source. I’d love to know whether this analysis is right.
> Nelson
>> On Mar 12, 2015, at 11:52 AM, Nelson Tebbe <> wrote:
>> Hello all:
>> I’m trying to get my arms around the Utah legislation that passed last 
>> night. I have two questions about the exemption from the definition of 
>> “employer” in SB 296. (I have been following the list serv discussion, but I 
>> may have missed discussion of this matter. I apologize if I have.)
>> Here is the bill’s language exempting certain employers from the state’s 
>> employment discrimination provisions. This language appears to exempt all 
>> religiously-affiliated nonprofits, including universities, hospitals, social 
>> service organizations, and the like (but please correct me if I’m wrong 
>> about that):
>> 92          (ii) "Employer" does not include:
>> 93          (A) a religious organization [or  association], a religious 
>> corporation sole, a religious
>> 94     association, a religious society, a religious educational 
>> institution, or a religious leader, when
>> 95     that individual is acting in the capacity of a religious leader;
>> 96          [(B) a religious corporation sole; or]
>> 97          [(C)] (B) any corporation or association constituting an 
>> affiliate, a wholly owned
>> 98     subsidiary, or an agency of any religious organization [or 
>> association or religious corporation
>> 99     sole.], religious corporation sole, religious association, or 
>> religious society; or
>> 100          (C) the Boy Scouts of America or its councils, chapters, or 
>> subsidiaries.
>> My first question is whether this is unprecedented either in Utah or 
>> elsewhere. Does Utah law as it stands also exempt large nonprofit employers, 
>> as long as they are religiously affiliated? My impression is that employment 
>> discrimination laws generally do cover large nonprofits.
>> Second, this amendment seems to cover not just the LGBT nondiscrimination 
>> provisions, but all protection against employment discrimination in the 
>> state, including on the basis of race, gender, and religion. Am I reading it 
>> right?
>> Nelson
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