Thanks, Rob. A very forceful statement. But I guess no one was listening when 
you spoke.  I'm pretty sure I read statements by Indiana legislators to the 
effect that no one had ever suggested to them that this law might be used to 
shield discrimination before the law was adopted.

Alan Brownstein

From: <> 
on behalf of Rob Katz <>
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 7:31 PM
Subject: submission

Dear Religionlaw,
Please consider the following submission.
Rob Katz

Robert Katz
Professor of Law
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

On March 16, 2015, ten days before Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act 
was signed into law by Indiana Governor Mike Pence, I testified on Senate Bill 
101 to the House Judiciary Committee of the Indiana General Assembly.  This is 
a condensed version of my testimony:

"Good day. My name is Robert Katz.  I am a professor of law at Indiana 
University Robert H. McKinney School of Law where I teach First Amendment law 
and law and religion. My research focuses on the tension between religious 
freedom and anti-discrimination law. It is one of my most profound concerns as 
a citizen, a parent, and a member of the Jewish community.
The freedom of religion is one of our most fundamental rights as Americans.  
Yet, also precious to us as citizens are our civil rights and, most relevantly 
here, our right to be free from discrimination.
As I understand it, this bill has two main goals. First, it aims to assure 
Hoosiers that they will be protected from general laws that substantially 
burden their religious exercise, unless this burden is justified by a 
compelling governmental interest that is narrowly tailored to achieve that 
goal. The second purpose of this bill is to assure Hoosiers that more 
protection for religious exercise will not weaken protection for civil rights — 
especially anti-discrimination laws.
The uneven and unbalanced assurances that this bill provides to these two 
constituents — those concerned about religious liberty and those concerned 
about anti-discrimination laws — are the most lethal and difficult feature of 
this bill. While it goes to great lengths to assure Hoosiers that their 
religious exercise will enjoy more protection, it does very little, if 
anything, to assure Hoosiers that the same bill will not weaken their civil 
This lack of balance is all the more striking because this bill is arguably 
unnecessary to achieve the first goal of providing more protection for 
religious freedom. Indiana law already protects Hoosiers from general statutes 
that substantially burden their religious exercise. This protection arises from 
multiple sources.
First, the Indiana Bill of Rights expressly protects religious exercise[i] and 
does so more emphatically than the First Amendment of the federal constitution.
Second, the Indiana Supreme Court has refused to follow Employment Division v. 
Smith,[ii] the Supreme Court’s infamous 1990 decision gutting the traditional 
protections for free exercise of religion.  Instead it uses heightened scrutiny 
to review general laws that substantially burden religious exercise.
Third, the Indiana legislature has provided exception after exception from 
general laws that substantially burden religious exercise in particular 
circumstances. For example, it has granted parents an absolute right to refuse 
medical treatment for their child based on religious objection. These sorts of 
exceptions are written throughout the Indiana Code and show how available and 
accessible it is to accommodate religious Hoosiers.
But some proponents of this bill say, “We are not taking any chances. Yes, the 
Indiana Supreme Court provides heightened scrutiny to review general laws, but 
who knows, maybe they will steer in favor of Smith.  And we are concerned that 
the heightened scrutiny that the Indiana Supreme Court has provided is just not 
high enough.”
Contrast the bill’s ironclad protections of religious exercise with its silence 
— screaming silence — on protecting freedom from discrimination and its utter 
lack of assurances to Hoosiers that this bill will not infringe on their right 
to be free from discrimination.
So the problem here is what this bill does not say. It does not say that the 
protection of civil rights is a compelling governmental interest.  Why is that? 
Why does this bill not itself provide an exemption for anti-discrimination 
laws? By failing to exempt anti-discrimination laws from the bill’s reach, it 
implicitly subordinates these to the RFRA bill. It is this omission from the 
bill that instills fear in people who depend upon anti-discrimination laws and 
makes them feel like step-children compared to constituents concerned about 
their religious liberty.
The statute could literally not do more to assure people who are concerned 
about religious liberty that they will be taken care of.  But it has absolutely 
nothing to say about freedom from discrimination.  The fact that it does not 
suggests that the protection of religious exercise from generally applicable 
laws is the preeminent compelling government interest in the State of Indiana.
To avoid this inference, I urge the Committee to amend the bill to declare that 
the protection of civil rights — including the right to be free from 
discrimination — is itself a compelling governmental interest.

It is a very simple, modest change to this bill.  If this bill is in fact 
designed to protect religious freedom without subordinating anti-discrimination 
laws, then the members of the Committee should be grateful for the opportunity 
to clarify this.

It puts this Committee to the test: do you actually believe this? Is it, in 
fact, your goal, as I understand it, to expand religious liberty without 
restricting the right to be free from discrimination?  If that is the goal — 
and that is a good goal: these are both critical to our constitutional order, 
to ordered liberty, to what we care about as citizens — then this is the place 
to do it and now is the time to do it.   This Committee should put this in the 
bill itself and not delegate the anti-discrimination laws to the vagaries of 
court decisions, as the committee has refused to do with the protection of 
religious liberty. This way, no chances are taken; no opportunities are left 
for courts to tinker with it.

In the end, from a legal prospective, our positions on this bill are not that 
far apart. The concerns that I have raised can be addressed in this bill simply 
by adding language — a sentence perhaps — making it clear that this bill cannot 
countermand civil rights laws and ordinances that protect the right to be free 
from discrimination and that the protection of this right is itself a 
compelling governmental interest."


[i] IND. CONST. Art. 1, § 3

[ii] Emp’t Div., Dep’t of Human Resources of Oregon, 494 U.S. 872 (1990).
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  • submission Rob Katz
    • Re: submission Alan E Brownstein

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