Actually, what we label "natural law" is a figment in the West of Greek 
imagination, since the arguments can be found in Plato and Aristotle, even if 
they were most fully developed by Thomas Aquinas. And, alas, Jewish and, I 
presume Islamic, law is thoroughly homophobic. None of this affects my support 
for Obergefell, but we should recognize this as a truly important moment in 
works culture, signaled far more significantly by the Irish referendum than by 
the vote of five American justices.


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On Jul 3, 2015, at 4:03 PM, Malla Pollack 
<<>> wrote:

Natural law is a figment of Christian imagination.  Do you really think that 
Muslims think western "natural law" is "natural"?


On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 3:52 PM, Richard Dougherty 
<<>> wrote:
Largely agree with this point, except for one major caveat -- natural law 
arguments are not religious arguments.  That's what is natural about them.  The 
collapse of the distinction between natural and religious is precisely what 
allows for the dismissal of natural law arguments as not applicable to the 
public realm of a secular society (whatever that phrase may mean or entail, a 
great source of contestation).

Richard Dougherty

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 2:44 PM, Marc R Poirier 
<<>> wrote:

Judy and all:

You write: "Sexual relations that can lead to procreation should occur only 
between a man and a woman...uh, this pertains to same-sex couples how?"

I suspect the writer meant to write: "Sexual relations, which can lead to 
procreation, should occur only between a man and a woman."  That would make it 
a natural law argument, one that does not refer to God.  It's part of a 
millennia-long (probably inevitably recurring) notion that sex is basically 
polluting and is redeemed by various kinds of restrictions.  One functional and 
redemptive justification for sexual activity is potential procreation.  Not 
pleasure, not fostering a bond of companionship, not the release of important 
desires.  As you well know, in the Judea-Christian tradition, non-procreative 
sex is problematic, and in one version of Christianity pleasure in sex is 
itself sinful.  (Not so in traditional Judaism!)

But of course to say all this openly brings religion and perhaps God back into 
the state's justification.  What happens instead is to make certain kinds of 
conclusions about sex statements of obvious fact and then claim rational basis.


Marc R. Poirier
Professor of Law and Martha Traylor Research Scholar
Seton Hall University School of Law
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Somebody has to plant the seed so that sanity can happen on this earth. -- 
Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche

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