Link to decision:

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 10:48 AM, James Oleske <> wrote:

> Today, the Ninth Circuit issued its opinion in *Stormans, Inc. v. Wiesman*,
> a long-running case involving a pharmacy's free-exercise challenge to
> Washington State's requirement that pharmacies dispense all lawfully
> prescribed or approved drugs, including emergency contraception. The court
> ruled in favor of the state, holding that the state's rule was neutral and
> generally applicable and thus subject to only rational basis review. The
> pharmacy had argued that because the state's rule excuses failures to
> dispense for certain reasons (e.g., lack of specialized equipment to make
> drug; drug out of stock; payment-type not accepted), and gives the state
> some discretion in applying those exemptions, it is not neutral and
> generally applicable, and must include an exemption allowing pharmacies to
> refuse to dispense drugs for religious reasons unless the state can satisfy
> strict scrutiny.
> Professor McConnell, the Becket Fund, and the Alliance Defending Freedom
> represented the pharmacy, and a group of 24 law professors filed an amicus
> brief supporting the pharmacy's selective-exemption argument. The amicus
> brief concisely distills its core argument as follows: "Laws that burden
> religion and apply to some but not all analogous secular conduct are not
> generally applicable.... A singular secular exception triggers strict
> scrutiny if it undermines the state interest allegedly served by applying
> the rule to religious conduct." Perkins Coie and Planned Parenthood
> represented Intervenors who joined the State as appellants in the Ninth
> Circuit, and amicus briefs were filed in support of the appellants by
> Americans United and the National Women's Law Center. Additional amicus
> briefs were filed on both sides.
> The case previously reached the Ninth Circuit (as *Stormans, Inc. v.
> Selecky*) back in 2009, and the court at that time reversed the district
> court's grant of a preliminary injunction in favor of the pharmacy.
> Specifically, the Ninth Circuit rejected the district court's decision to
> apply strict scrutiny, instead concluding that the existing exemptions to
> the dispensing requirement "are a reasonable part of the regulation of
> pharmacy practice, and their inclusion in the statute does not undermine
> the general applicability of the [dispensing requirement]." Notwithstanding
> that ruling, the district court -- based on further fact-finding at trial
> -- concluded in February 2012 that the dispensing requirement was not
> neutral and generally applicable and was being selectively applied, and it
> again applied strict scrutiny and ruled in favor of the pharmacy (the
> district court's opinion, findings of fact, and conclusions of law fill
> over ninety pages in the Federal Supplement). The case went back up to the
> Ninth Circuit, which held argument last fall. (The argument was originally
> scheduled for late 2013, but it was postponed after the Supreme Court
> granted cert in *Hobby Lobby*.)
> In today's decision, the Ninth Circuit again found the rule to be neutral
> and generally applicable, relying in part on its previous decision as law
> of the circuit. In rejecting the pharmacy's "secular exemptions require
> religious exemptions" argument, the court relied on its earlier decision to
> conclude that the secular exemptions to Washington's pharmacy rules
> "further" (rather than undermine) the rules' goal. Slip op. at 28. In
> response to the argument that the rules gave the state discretion on
> granting exemptions, and thus triggered the Sherbert/Smith/Lukumi
> "indiviidualized exemptions" rule, the court concluded:
> "The mere existence of an exemption that affords some minimal governmental
> discretion does not destroy a law’s general applicability. . . . In
> summary, because the exemptions at issue are tied directly to limited,
> particularized, business related, objective criteria, they do not create a
> regime of unfettered discretion that would permit discriminatory treatment
> of religion or religiously motivated conduct." Slip op. at 32-33
> In support of this conclusion, the Court cited decisions from both the
> Third and Tenth Circuits, which is interesting because other decisions from
> those same circuits are often cited as the strongest support for a broad
> understanding of the selective-exemption rule that would go beyond
> situations suggesting discriminatory intent. While I have argued that the
> broad understanding of the selective-exemption rule cannot be reconciled
> with the Supreme Court’s current understanding of the Free Exercise Clause"
> (, many religious-liberty scholars disagree, as
> evidenced by the amicus brief filed in Stormans (
> and a more recent amicus brief filed by Doug Laycock and Tom Berg in
> Obergefell (
> I suspect that the Ninth Circuit's opinion is not likely to be the final
> word on the scope of the selective-exemption rule.
> - Jim
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