Howard:  As the Deputy Clerk is implementing the licenses, the form of the
license *is *the same as that throughout the state, and every license blank
*does* contain the identical words and figures provided in the form
prescribed by section 402.100.  The only difference is that the Clerk's
name *is not written in *on the blank where it would ordinarily appear.
That doesn't in any way transgress 402.110.

On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Friedman, Howard M. <> wrote:

> In discussing the changes that Ms. Davis might have made in the license
> form to accommodate her religious beliefs, I don't believe anyone on this
> list has discussed this provision in Kentucky Rev. Stat. Sec. 402.110:
> "The form of marriage license prescribed in KRS 402.100 shall be uniform
> throughout this state, and every license blank shall contain the identical
> words and figures provided in the form prescribed by that section. In
> issuing the license the clerk shall deliver it in its entirety to the
> licensee. The clerk shall see to it that every blank space required to be
> filled by the applicants is so filled before delivering it to the licensee."
> Changes by her office would prevent the license from being uniform
> throughout the state.  Do her state RFRA rights trump this?
> Howard Friedman
> ------------------------------
> *From:* [
>] on behalf of Ira Lupu [
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 05, 2015 6:24 PM
> *To:* Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
> *Subject:* Re: What's happening in KY? -- my differences with Eugene
> A few questions, and forgive me if they have been asked and answered on
> this or related threads on this listserv:
> 1) Why did Ms. Davis stop issuing all marriage licenses?  God did not tell
> her that issuing licenses for different-sex couples was sinful or wrong.
> Was this full closure on advice of counsel (don't discriminate, that will
> be harder to defend than a shut down for everyone)?  Was that sound advice,
> in light of the due process holding in Obergefell about the right to
> marry?  Whatever the reasons, what seems obvious is that Kentucky law did
> not burden her religious exercise with respect to different sex couples, so
> her Kentucky RFRA claim for a right to withhold licenses from those couples
> must be worth zero.
> 2) Obergefell was decided in late June.  Ms. Davis knew from then on that
> she eventually would be asked to issue a license for a same-sex couple.
> Could she have gone to state court, seeking a a declaratory judgment
> (against whom?) that RFRA gave her the right to remove her name from some
> marriage licenses?  Who is the employer from whom she was seeking an
> accommodation?  Is anyone her boss?  If she is her own boss, she could
> grant herself an accommodation.  (Let's take my name of some of those
> license forms.  Done.)  She didn't do any of these things.  She just
> waited, and then she shut down her office to everyone, including couples
> whose marriages did not implicate her religious freedom.  She wants
> equitable relief -- delay reopening my office until my religious concerns
> can be accommodated, even if that takes months.  Would it be appropriate to
> impose some form of equitable estoppel on her state RFRA claims now --
> after all, she imposed the costs of her objection on every marriage
> applicant in the County.
> 3) Substantial burden -- to what coercive choice is Kentucky putting Ms.
> Davis?  Kentucky RFRA applies only to acts of Kentucky government, state or
> local.  (Applying it fto ederal action would be an attempt at
> nullification, barred by the Supremacy Clause.)  Has she been indicted,
> fired, impeached?  (I know there was talk of a criminal prosecution, but it
> seems to have faded away.)  If she faces no civil or criminal burden under
> Kentucky law, then the state (and the County) have not burdened her
> religious exercise.  The burden all comes from enforcement of the federal
> Constitution, and state RFRA can't help her there.  If and when the State
> or County come after her with threat of punishment or loss of job, RFRA
> might be her defense (but then she will be stuck with the issue of denying
> licenses to everyone; RFRA cannot help her with that.)
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 3:42 PM, Arthur Spitzer <>
> wrote:
>> Marty says: "Davis is not seeking for the *court *to give her
>> a just-not-with-my-name-on-them accommodation --- something he has in fact
>> just given her!"
>> Perhaps I missed this detail in one of your earlier posts, Marty.  Can
>> you fill me in on just how the court has already provided this relief?  I
>> thought the forms were pre-printed with her name and title.  Did the court
>> authorize her to print new forms? Or to black out her name with a magic
>> marker?
>> Thanks,
>> Art Spitzer
>> *Warning:  This email is subject to monitoring by the NSA.*
>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Marty Lederman <>
>> wrote:
>>> 1.  I *don't *understand Kim Davis to claim "that God would view her
>>> issuing such licenses with her name on them as authorization."  I can't
>>> even imagine what that would mean:  That God has a view of when the
>>> appearance of a name on the "issued in" line of a state licensing form
>>> constitutes one human being "authorizing" another to perform a marriage?
>>> That God has a view about the actual legal operation of Kentucky law?  Of
>>> course not.  Davis instead argues that she would be sinning because her
>>> name would provide* legal *authorization to the minister, under KY
>>> law.  That's a secular question.
>>> 2. As I understand it, Davis is not seeking for the *court *to give her
>>> a just-not-with-my-name-on-them accommodation --- something he has in fact
>>> just given her! -- but instead is asking the court to grant her the right
>>> to prevent all licenses from being issued in the county, on the theory that 
>>> *the
>>> legislature* could, in theory, create the just-not-with-my-name-on-them
>>> accommodation.
>>> 3.  Most importantly, you seem to agree, Eugene, that the very
>>> possibility of such a legislative fix is not sufficient to give Davis a
>>> RFRA right to cessation of all issuance of marriage licenses in her
>>> county.  Does this mean that you disagree with the Alito view of "least
>>> restrictive means" -- to include all possible legislative alternatives --
>>> which the plaintiffs are pressing hard in the contraception cases?
>>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 3:17 PM, Volokh, Eugene <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>                Marty doesn’t view her issuance of the licenses as
>>>> authorization.  He may well be right that Kentucky law doesn’t view it as
>>>> authorization.  But, as I understand it, Kim Davis claims that God would
>>>> view her issuing such licenses with her name on them as authorization.  If
>>>> that is indeed Kim Davis’s claim, which it seems to be, then I don’t think
>>>> it matters that Kentucky’s view is not Kim Davis’s view of God’s view.
>>>>                Now I agree that Davis is not entitled to the cessation
>>>> of all issuance of marriage licenses in her county as an accommodation –
>>>> that would unduly interfere with the state’s interest in providing marriage
>>>> licenses to its citizens (and possibly the citizens’ federal constitutional
>>>> right in having licenses issued by their county of residence, though that’s
>>>> a somewhat more contested question).  But *if* she continues to seek a
>>>> just-not-with-my-name-on-them accommodation, which she indeed said in her
>>>> stay application would be adequate, then the Kentucky RFRA would entitle
>>>> her to that exemption.
>>>>                Eugene
>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>] *On Behalf Of *Marty Lederman
>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, September 05, 2015 11:47 AM
>>>> *To:* Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
>>>> *Subject:* Re: What's happening in KY? -- my differences with Eugene
>>>> On Points 1 and 2 of Eugene's post, Davis's religious objection is not,
>>>> as Eugene suggests, *independent *of whether her name serves to
>>>> provide her "authorization" of a same-sex marriage; instead, she claims
>>>> that it violates her religion *because *it in fact serves as an
>>>> authorization.  And thus, understandably, she cites Kentucky law for that
>>>> proposition, because it's a question not of religious doctrine but of the
>>>> legal affect of the appearance of her name.  Her reading of that law is, I
>>>> suggest, mistaken if not tendentious.  And since her religious objection is
>>>> predicated on a mistake of fact/law that civil authorities can assess,
>>>> rather than on a disputed religious tenet, there's no substantial burden on
>>>> her religious exercise.  (Obviously, this same issue is now front and
>>>> center in the contraception cases--most or all of the theories of
>>>> complicity are, I've argued, based upon mistakes of law or fact that the
>>>> courts need not accept.)
>>>> The more important point for present purposes, however, is No. 3:  And
>>>> on that, I basically *agree *with Eugene that if there were a
>>>> substantial burden here (but see above), then perhaps Kentucky law, viewed
>>>> as a whole (including RFRA), could be read to provide that the issuance of
>>>> a license by Deputy Clerk Mason, *without *Davis's name, is both
>>>> permissible and results in a valid marriage license.  The problem, however,
>>>> is that Davis herself is strongly *resisting* this reading of Kentucky
>>>> law.  If she agreed with that reading, she would be thrilled, satisfied,
>>>> with the current outcome -- Mason issuing licenses without Davis's name.
>>>> Win-win!  Indeed, before she was held in contempt she would not have
>>>> prohibited Mason from doing just that--citing Kentucky RFRA--and thereby
>>>> avoided prison.
>>>> But her attorney instead insists that such licenses are invalid, and
>>>> Davis contends that, under Kentucky law, Mason may *not *issue them.
>>>> The outcome she is seeking is not for the court to rule that the issuance
>>>> of such name-of-Davis-free licenses are lawful, but instead that there are
>>>> to be *no marriage licenses in Rowan County *unless and until the
>>>> Kentucky legislature amends Kentucky law to allow the omission of her name.
>>>> (This all assumes that Kentucky law does, even apart from RFRA, require
>>>> that Davis's name be on the license.  For reasons I explain in my post, I
>>>> have doubts whether that's even correct.)
>>>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Volokh, Eugene <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>                1.  I think the substantial burden question turns on
>>>> whether an objector sincerely believes that what she is ordered to is
>>>> against her religion.  If she sincerely believes that distributing licenses
>>>> with her name is, in God’s eyes, putting her name to an authorization of
>>>> sinful conduct and therefore against God’s will, that’s what matters for
>>>> substantial burden purposes – not that this doesn’t count as
>>>> “authorization” for purposes of secular law or secular reason.
>>>>                2.  Davis’s stay petition, filed in the Supreme Court,
>>>> says, among other things, “In this matter, even if the ‘desired goal’ is
>>>> providing Plaintiffs with Kentucky marriage licenses in Rowan County,
>>>> numerous less restrictive means are available to accomplish it without
>>>> substantially burdening Davis’ religious freedom and conscience, such as
>>>> ... Modifying the prescribed Kentucky marriage license form to remove the
>>>> multiple references to Davis’ name, and thus to remove the personal nature
>>>> of the authorization that Davis must provide on the current form.”
>>>> (PDF pp. 39-40).  To be sure, we might not view the presence of her name as
>>>> “personal nature of the authorization,” or the removal of her name as at
>>>> all morally or religiously significant under our understanding of a
>>>> rational theory of complicity in sin.  But of course religious exemption
>>>> rules apply even to people who don’t operate in ways that we think are
>>>> rational or sensible.
>>>>                3.  It seems to me that the Kentucky Legislature has
>>>> *already* potentially authorized religious exemptions from the statute
>>>> that requires that marriage certificates and licenses bear the clerk’s name
>>>> – as well as from virtually all other Kentucky statute.  It did so by
>>>> enacting the Kentucky RFRA.  The very point of a RFRA (right or wrong) is
>>>> that religious objectors shouldn’t have to wait for the Legislature to
>>>> expressly amend statutes to include religious exemptions; instead, they
>>>> could go to court to ask for an exemption, and the court could grant such
>>>> an exemption if it concludes that the law substantially burdens religious
>>>> practice and denying the exemption isn’t the least restrictive means of
>>>> serving a compelling government interest.  (The legislature could of course
>>>> then overrule the court decision, if it thinks the court got the strict
>>>> scrutiny or substantial burden analysis wrong, by expressly exempting the
>>>> statute from the RFRA.)
>>>>                A simple analogy:  Say someone objects to having a
>>>> photograph of her face on a driver’s license, whether because she thinks
>>>> that’s an impermissible graven image, or because she thinks she must always
>>>> appear veiled in front of men who aren’t family members.  A court applying
>>>> a RFRA might be able to reject the exemption request on strict scrutiny
>>>> grounds related to the need for visual identification as a means of
>>>> protecting public safety.  (Back in the Sherbert/Yoder era, courts
>>>> considering this question were split, and the Court split 4-4 on it in 
>>>> *Jensen
>>>> v. Quaring*.)  But if a court concludes that not having a photo
>>>> wouldn’t materially undermine public safety, and thus that strict scrutiny
>>>> isn’t satisfied, it wouldn’t have to wait for the legislature to amend the
>>>> statute that requires photographs on driver’s licenses: the state RFRA
>>>> would itself authorize the court to require that the license be issued
>>>> without the photograph, as a less restrictive means of serving the broader
>>>> interest in making sure that drivers have at least some sort of license.
>>>> Again, state RFRA has potentially authorized religious exemptions from the
>>>> driver’s license photo requirement just as it has potentially authorized
>>>> religious exemptions from peyote bans, the duty to serve as a juror, and so
>>>> on.  Likewise for the requirement that marriage licenses and certificates
>>>> contain the county clerk’s name.
>>>>                Eugene
>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>] *On Behalf Of *Marty Lederman
>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, September 05, 2015 10:32 AM
>>>> *To:* Cohen,David; Law & Religion issues for Law Academics;
>>>> *Subject:* Re: What's happening in KY? -- my differences with Eugene
>>>> Sorry, I had not previously seen Eugene's post on the VC:
>>>> Eugene argues that perhaps Davis is entitled under the Kentucky RFRA to
>>>> have her office (that is, her deputies) issue licenses without her name
>>>> appearing on them.  For reasons I've already offered, I don't think this is
>>>> right, because I don't think there's a substantial burden on her religious
>>>> exercise.
>>>> But more to the point, and even if I'm wrong about the substantial
>>>> burden point:  Davis doesn't think the Kentucky RFRA permits that
>>>> resolution, either.  She is not trying to have her office issue licenses
>>>> without her name--to the contrary, she has tried to *forbid her
>>>> deputies *to issue licenses without her name, because she thinks that
>>>> Kentucky law, as a whole (even including its RFRA), does not allow it
>>>> (i.e., such licenses would not be valid).  Her argument, instead, is that
>>>> the Kentucky RFRA should afford her the authority to *prohibit the
>>>> office from issuing licenses altogether*, because the Kentucky
>>>> legislature *could* amend the marriage licensing law to provide that
>>>> the Clerk's name can be omitted, i.e., because a lesser restrictive
>>>> alternative law is in some sense available to the Commonwealth -- albeit
>>>> one it has not yet enacted.
>>>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 10:50 AM, Marty Lederman <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> FWIW, my effort to make sense (?) of the mess; please let me know if
>>>> I've gotten anything wrong (or if anyone has a transcript of the contempt
>>>> hearing on Thursday, which might help explain things).  Thanks
>>>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 5:49 PM, Marty Lederman <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> The reports I've seen (e.g.,
>>>> do not make clear exactly what's happening, other than that Davis is
>>>> incarcerated.
>>>> 1.  Is the County Executive Judge now issuing certificates and licenses
>>>> (which might ironically eliminate the grounds for Davis's contempt
>>>> incarceration . . . until she refuses to allow the documents to be issued
>>>> to the next couple that appears)?
>>>> 2.  What was the deal the judge offered her, regarding her deputies
>>>> issuing the documents?  Did she refuse it because her name would continue
>>>> to appear on the two lines?  Or did the judge say that she could omit her
>>>> name and she still refused?
>>>> Thanks in advance for any info, or, better yet, links to actual
>>>> documents.
>>>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Cohen,David <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all - a mootness question for you.  In the case of the KY clerk who
>>>> was jailed today for refusing to comply with a district court order that
>>>> required her to issue a marriage license to a gay couple (and stay denied
>>>> from the 6th Circuit or Supremes), according to some news reports, now that
>>>> she is in jail and not able to serve, state law allows a county’s executive
>>>> judge to now issue licenses.  So, presumably that will happen relatively
>>>> quickly, and the plaintiffs will get their licenses.
>>>> Is the case now moot and the clerk can get out of jail because she’d no
>>>> longer be in contempt of a court order, since the case is vacated as moot?
>>>> And the issue isn’t capable of repetition at this point for the plaintiffs,
>>>> as they now have a license and can’t get another (until divorced, which may
>>>> never happen).  It certainly is capable of repetition for other people, but
>>>> not these plaintiffs (and they haven’t filed a class action, to the best of
>>>> my knowledge).  We’ve been around this issue before, and to the best of my
>>>> recollection, most people believe the cases say that the “capable of
>>>> repetition” part has to be for the particular plaintiffs, not for someone
>>>> else.
>>>> In other words, is she in jail for an hour, maybe a day, and then back
>>>> at it shortly to deny someone else a license (when that eventually happens)
>>>> only to repeat the whole thing again?
>>>> David
>>>> *David S. Cohen*
>>>> *Professor of Law*
>>>> Thomas R. Kline School of Law
>>>> *Drexel University *
>>>> 3320 Market St.
>>>> Philadelphia, PA 19104
>>>> Tel: 215.571.4714
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> --
> Ira C. Lupu
> F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law, Emeritus
> George Washington University Law School
> 2000 H St., NW
> Washington, DC 20052
> (202)994-7053
> Co-author (with Professor Robert Tuttle) of "Secular Government, Religious
> People" ( Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2014))
> My SSRN papers are here:
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