A report to the court of another of the Rowan County Deputy Clerks today
includes the following:

"Mrs. Plank reports that, to the best of her knowledge, all requests for
marriage licenses requested by legally qualified couples have been issued.
The only denial of a marriage license application that has occurred within
the last two weeks was to a gentleman who stated that he wanted a license
that would permit him to marry 'Jesus'.  *When it was explained to the
individual that both parties had to be present, he stated, 'Jesus is always
present'.*  After being denied, the gentleman returned later and presented
a type of Power of Attorney document issued by his church granting him
authority to sign 'Jesus'’ name.  *Since both parties were not present*
these requests were denied."

Impermissible civil assessment of a fundamentally religious question?

(P.S.  The passage from the filing today, quoted above, is 100% true.  My
"legal" question, however, is of course facetious -- although given the
Court's recent movement toward almost absolute deference to private
religious assessments (cf. *Hobby Lobby*), it's not obvious on first glance
why the Clerk's Office was permitted to act on the basis that "Jesus was
not present.")
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