Note that the Court did not grant on the discrimination-based questions.

More here:

*Court grants all seven nonprofit petitions in contraceptive coverage
cases, henceforth to be collectively referred to as "Zubik v. Burwell"*

Marty Lederman

Today the Court decided not to decide
<> among
the seven petitions in the contraceptive cases--it granted (and
consolidated) them all on the RFRA question.  The Court did *not *grant on
the two questions alleging that the government has impermissibly
discriminated among religious organizations, one of which (in *Zubik*) was
nominally a RFRA question and the other of which (in *Little Sisters*) was
framed as a First Amendment question.

The case will be argued some time between March 21 and March 30.
Presumably only one of the five counsel of record for petitioners will
present oral argument--if I had to guess, it'll be Paul Clement or Noel
Francisco.  (The Court itself ordinarily leaves it to the parties in such a
situation to figure out a way to decide which counsel will argue.)  The
Court has also asked the parties
submit a joint proposal for briefing on the merits that will keep the
number of briefs to a minimum and avoid repetition of argument."  Therefore
I don't think we should expect to see 400+ pages of party briefs topside
and 200+ pages on reply.  The petitioners might even decide to submit a
single, unified brief at each stage.

The decision of the Court will likely be captioned, and popularly referred
to, as No. 14-1418, *Zubik v. Burwell*, which was the first of the
petitions to be filed.

*Compendium of posts on Hobby Lobby and related cases*

Posted 4:18 PM by Marty Lederman [link]

On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Friedman, Howard M. <> wrote:

> The Supreme Court today granted review in 7 cases challenging the
> Affordable Care Act contraceptive mandate accommodation for religious
> non-profits. More at
> Howard Friedman
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