see pp. 39f. of the pdf:

The Court undoubtedly denied *cert.* because the pro se filing was very
weak, verging on unintelligibility:

Alito appears to be correct that it's a Lukumi violation--indeed, almost
certainly also a violation of the Freedom of Assembly Clause, as it
involves straightforward sect discrimination in setting rules for
collective prisoner bible studies.  However, it appears that the prisoner
failed to press a discrimination claim, or to cite Lukumi, in the district
court, the court of appeals, or in his petition--so that it was litigated
on straight Turney v. Safley terms.

(A reply brief was finally filed by counsel a couple of weeks ago, after
the Court had reconferenced the case multiple times.  I'll send it around
if I can find it.)

Interestingly, Alito appears to concede that a showing of "substantial
burden" is necessary in a Lukumi discrimination case.  As far as I know,
however, the Court has never addressed that question.
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