[] On Behalf Of Ira Lupu
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 3:37 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: Scalia's views of RFRA?

The Scalia opinion in Smith of course did not anticipate a law like RFRA; 
instead, he was referencing practice-specific accommodations (like a peyote 
prohibition that exempted Native American Church members who used peyote in 
Agreed. That’s what led me to wonder to what extend RFRA might have upset him.

Mary Anne, your comment has an excluded middle -- RFRA, as construed in Hobby 
Lobby, indeed makes "each conscience a law unto itself” with respect to what is 
burdensome to religious exercise. Nevertheless, judges still have to engage in 
"balancing" in light of RFRA's exception (re: whether application of the burden 
to the person furthers compelling governmental interests, and whether that is 
the least restrictive means to do so).  But the "law unto itself" quality 
associated with RFRA's rule means that the government will very frequently have 
to satisfy that test, which Hobby Lobby made far stricter than the pre-Smith 
law ever had. So the balance seems highly tilted toward the government (though 
I strongly suspect it will not remain that way).
This may be a quibble or parsing too fine, but I take “law unto itself” here to 
mean what Reynolds does in using a similar phrase, that the secular law will 
let a person impelled by religion do as s/he pleases, so that not just the 
question of burden, but the whole ball of wax would be decided by the 
individual conscience. As to the rest of what you say, I may be confused, but 
when you say the balance is tilted toward government, I would have said away 
i.e. that narrow tailoring taken literally may be very hard for gov. to 
satisfy, which I agree is not an equilibrium situation.  Whether it will be 
solved by courts watering down the standard without changing its verbiage or by 
legislatures selectively cutting back as Chris Lund has documented I’m less 

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Case, Mary Anne 
<<>> wrote:
The quoted language comes directly from Scalia’s opinion in Smith.  The full 
sentence is: ”It may fairly be said that leaving accommodation to the political 
process will place at a relative disadvantage those religious practices that 
are not widely engaged in; but that unavoidable consequence of democratic 
government must be preferred to a system in which each conscience is a law unto 
itself or in which judges weigh the social importance of all laws against the 
centrality of all religious beliefs.”  There thus seem to be 2 typical Scalia 
desiderata in tension with one another – the desire for clear rules and the 
desire that the laws have democratic warrant.  In the quoted sentence, he seems 
to be suggesting that sending accommodation back to the legislature will have 
the advantage of getting the courts out of the business of balancing, which he 
hated, but of course RFRA mandates precisely such balancing, unless it is read 
instead to “make each conscience a law unto itself.”

 On Behalf Of Steven Jamar
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 3:20 PM
To: Law Religion & Law List
Subject: Re: Scalia's views of RFRA?

I never read Smith that way — it was a straight up carte blanche to the 
legislative and executive branches provided the law was neutral and generally 
applicable — no weighing of competing interests involved.

Prof. Steven D. Jamar
Assoc. Dir. of International Programs
Institute for Intellectual Property and Social Justice

"A life directed chiefly toward the fulfillment of personal desires sooner or 
later always leads to bitter disappointment."

Albert Einstein

On Nov 22, 2016, at 4:07 PM, Case, Mary Anne 
<<>> wrote:

judges the task of “weigh[ing] the social importance of all laws against the 
centrality of all religious beliefs”(Smith)


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Ira C. Lupu
F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law, Emeritus
George Washington University Law School
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