Yes every one is allowed to express his political creed but it should be in the 
I do not want that our beloved group be place for political fights especially 
for someone who already gone and all Markos's support will not return him 
Leave the history to judge him.... & "history" could not judge any person 
before years......
For my self, I will not waste again my time in this useless conversation.

From: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc

I have not read what Marcos had written but I understand he wrote in Coptic 
something which was supportive of Mubarak. I am not Mubarak supporter but I 
think every one should be allowed to express himself or his political creed as 
he wishes as long as he does it in Coptic. Other people who want to express 
different opinion can do that in Coptic. This will only lead to increased 
maturation and enrichment of our Coptic language.

Dioscorus Boles

-----Original Message-----
From: george nawar <>
To: <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 30, 2011 1:05 am
Subject: Re: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc

Moreover and SORRY FOR SAYING THAT, I believe that is also the responsibility 
of the moderator of the group who allow the "nonsense" matters supporting 
Mubarak to be publish on the group....!!! I have a lot of arguments against 
that "Mubarak" proving that he was acting against our Coptic church, but I do 
not want to loose my time & effort to explain them... Thanks God, he is already 
GONE & his period is FINISHED....
I hope that all "rubbish" issues will not be publish again in future on our 
beloved RemEnKimi group.


From: ophadece <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:59 PM
Subject: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc

That is my point exactly
[font=cs avva shenouda]Oujai qen `P[C[/font]
--- In, LH <2tameri@...> wrote:
> Dear Markoc,
> As an Egyptian Copt, I got mad to see your association (with Arabic
> translation) of Mobarak with the Copts (Using the Coptic language).
> What message are you trying to give to the WORLD? You are giving a very
> false perception that "Copts' are supporting Mobarak.
> "he" is gone and may prove to be a killer. He has done a great harm to
> Egypt, especially to us Copts.
> Just ask your self who allowed the Salafeyeen to exist? How many churches
> burned and Copts killed in the last 30 (under Mobarak)-40 (Mo was the V.P.)
> years? Who allowed the unheard large scale of  corruption?
> Wake-up and smell the burns of the rioters. There are about 20 Million
> Egyptians in the *"Ashwaeyat."* **created by the acts of your "Cosmos."
> Please be responsible of using your knowledge of the Coptic language, and
> consider the impact of broadcasting "your opinion" on all of us
> Egyptian-Copts. At best you are being used by the enemy.
> If you are sincere in your love to Egypt and the Copts, crate another
> Youtube with my email, I can send you "pretty" pictures to include in your
> clip of of the *Ashwaeyat, the burned churches, the martyrs, the Salafeyeen,
> and a signed picture of Mobarak and Hessin Salem.*
> Salam
> Labib
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 5:42 AM, markoc markoc14000@... wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >


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