]]ma] nemak  ( I agree with you)

From: Shenouda Bissada 
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:28 PM
To: remenkimi@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: RE: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc


Anok on ]rasi je ten`cqai  qa penkahi ,ymi ouoh qen ehoou niben ]slyl `nta poc 
areh erof ebolqen nefjaji tyrou. Marencaji nem neneryou `mvry] `ncnyou ouoh 
marenmoun `ncqai qen ]metrem`n,ymi. ]sephmot `ntotou `mpiar, `ntaijin;wou] nem 
pacon diockoroc nem ouon niben e;be netennis] `ncqai 


Font: CS Avva Shenouda

To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com
From: wafik_ga...@hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 18:16:21 +0300
Subject: Re: Fw: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc


From: george nawar 
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 5:51 PM
To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com 
Cc: iboles4...@aol.com 
Subject: Re: Fw: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc


Maren moun ebol `nten `cqai  qen ten`acpi `nrem`n,ymi
vai pe penmanvoh.

let us continue to write in our Coptic language
this is our goal.

(written in CS avva shenouda font).

Dear Dioscorus Boules

Thanks for your reply which I consider it its your own opinion

For my self, I don't have time or effort for such discussion & I will stop that 
debate (as requested by the moderator of the group) & I will not reply for any 
further messages like that, whatever you are writing against me......

God bless you all........

Sorry for saying that, but if I find that you are continue fighting me by your 
mails, I will leave the group... I do not have time or effort for that.


From: "iboles4...@aol.com" <iboles4...@aol.com>
To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc



Yes, we need to publish all Coptic literature whatever it is. We need to read 
all, and use all to revive our Coptic language.

I cannot agree with your assertion that studying the Coptic language is not an 
objective in itself, and that studying it for developing our spirituality. 

The importance of reviving Coptic is not solely to help theology or 
spirituality - it is more than that: to provide us with a national tool for 
expressing ourselves in literature.

Dioscorus Boles

-----Original Message-----
From: george nawar <george.na...@yahoo.com>
To: RemEnKimi <RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Aug 2, 2011 10:59 pm
Subject: Fw: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc


سأكتب كلامى باللغة العربية حتى يكون واضح ومفهوم للجميع بدون أى لبس
على الرغم من أننا جميعاً نرغب فى احياء اللغة القبطية لكن أرجو أن نتذكر أن اللغة 
القبطية فى حد ذاتها ليست هدفاً وإلا فلننشر كتابات أريوس التى كانت باللغة 
القبطية أو الكتابات التى كان بها أمور غير لائقة كالسحر مثلاً وهى موجودة 
بالمخطوطات القبطية على مستوى العالم 

بخصوص ما ذكرته سيادتك أن البابا شنودة كان مع مبارك حتى النهاية ويتصل به 
تليفونياً - يجب أن نفرق بين العلاقات الإنسانية فى إطار المحبة وبين التأييد 
الأعمى للأشخاص حتى لو كانوا على خطأ وأعتقد ان البابا شنودة نفسه لا يدعم مبارك 
الآن ... ياريت نأخذ المواقف المختلفة  للأشخاص بموضوعية

كان لى كثير لأكتبه ... ولكنى أرجو أن يكون ما كتبته يكفى لتوضيح موقفى وأرجو ان 
يساهم فى أنهااااااااء هذا النقاش الدائر لأنى بالحقيقة تعبت وأشعر أن فيه حاجات 
كتير اهم من كدة نتناقش عليها وتساهم فى نمونا الروحى (وهذا عندى أهم شئ فى هذا 
العالم) وبعد ذلك نهتم فى أحياء لغتنا القبطية

سلام للجميع
جورج ميشيل

From: abo.dokhana:GMAIL <abo.dokh...@gmail.com>
To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc

ترجمة الرسالة اللي فاتت
كل اللي يهم لينا ان احنا نحيي لغتنا
ليكتب الاخ ماركوس كيفما يرضيه
لا سلطة عليه ليكتب كما نريد
لاجل حياة لغتنا
ليكتب كل واحد في كل موضوع
لا سلطان عليه ليكتب في امر واحد
انا متفق معاكم
ان مبارك مضى ويجب ان ننسى زمانه
لان انا اظن ان اللي جاي سيكون صعب جدا

تحياتي للجميع
لماذا الغضب من الاخ ماركوس
البابا شنودة نفسه كان مع مبارك حتى النهاية وكان يدعمه
وحتى كان يتصل به تليفونيا -وكلنا نذكر المداخلة الشهيرة للأنبا يؤانس
اللي كان زعلان على مبارك مما دعى للضيف للأنفجار
لماذا اذن الغضب من ماركوس الان؟
والا عشان هوا من عامة الشعب الغلبان مش من الاكليروس
القديسون اللي كل كلمة يقولوها تكون من الروح القدس

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: george nawar 
  To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 4:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc

  Moreover and SORRY FOR SAYING THAT, I believe that is also the responsibility 
of the moderator of the group who allow the "nonsense" matters supporting 
Mubarak to be publish on the group....!!! I have a lot of arguments against 
that "Mubarak" proving that he was acting against our Coptic church, but I do 
not want to loose my time & effort to explain them... Thanks God, he is already 
GONE & his period is FINISHED....
  I hope that all "rubbish" issues will not be publish again in future on our 
beloved RemEnKimi group.


  From: ophadece <ophad...@yahoo.com>
  To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:59 PM
  Subject: [RemEnKimi] Re: pi-ioh `m-pi-kocmoc

  That is my point exactly
  [font=cs avva shenouda]Oujai qen `P[C[/font]
  --- In RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com, LH <2tameri@...> wrote:
  > Dear Markoc,
  > As an Egyptian Copt, I got mad to see your association (with Arabic
  > translation) of Mobarak with the Copts (Using the Coptic language).
  > What message are you trying to give to the WORLD? You are giving a very
  > false perception that "Copts' are supporting Mobarak.
  > "he" is gone and may prove to be a killer. He has done a great harm to
  > Egypt, especially to us Copts.
  > Just ask your self who allowed the Salafeyeen to exist? How many churches
  > burned and Copts killed in the last 30 (under Mobarak)-40 (Mo was the V.P.)
  > years? Who allowed the unheard large scale of corruption?
  > Wake-up and smell the burns of the rioters. There are about 20 Million
  > Egyptians in the *"Ashwaeyat."* **created by the acts of your "Cosmos."
  > Please be responsible of using your knowledge of the Coptic language, and
  > consider the impact of broadcasting "your opinion" on all of us
  > Egyptian-Copts. At best you are being used by the enemy.
  > If you are sincere in your love to Egypt and the Copts, crate another
  > Youtube with my email, I can send you "pretty" pictures to include in your
  > clip of of the *Ashwaeyat, the burned churches, the martyrs, the Salafeyeen,
  > and a signed picture of Mobarak and Hessin Salem.*
  > Salam
  > Labib
  > On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 5:42 AM, markoc markoc14000@... wrote:
  > > **
  > >
  > >
  > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LTQYhfL4lo
  > > 
  > >

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