Dear All,

Emile Maher Ishak (now Fr. Shenouda Maher Ishak) and his work have featured 
prominently in many lively debates on the pronunciation of the Coptic language 
in the past, on this forum and elsewhere. Regrettably few, if any, have been 
able to consult Dr Ishak's magnum opus on Coptic phonology directly. Without 
doubt the inaccessibility of the work, held to my knowledge at only two UK 
university libraries, has needlessly hindered research on Coptic phonology and 
Coptic Studies in general.

Today I am publishing his D.Phil Thesis submitted to the University of Oxford 
in 1975. ‘The phonetics and phonology of the Bohairic dialect of Coptic and the 
survival of Coptic words in the colloquial and Classical Arabic of Egypt and of 
Coptic grammatical constructions in colloquial Egyptian Arabic’ is to date the 
most exhaustive study on Bohairic Coptic pronunciation and Coptic survivals in 
the colloquial Arabic of Egypt.

I hope the accessibility of Dr Ishak's thesis will engender debate and further 

You can download the thesis from my blog Copticsounds.



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