Hi Skipp,
> And we've seen some sloppy engineering in the
> design of the audio and limiter circuits.

What you're saying here Bob... is that you've
owned at least one Icom IC-230 at some time in
the past. 

While the mobiles probably suffer from the same kind of engineering shortcuts, I was referring to the 'exciter wars' investigation..  :-)
The GE FM exciter showed distortion from a "soft" diode clipping circuit, and the PM exciter's "blob" showed interaction between filters because a high impedance stage drove a low impedance one. Also, the PM's response rolled off due to an RC decoupling circuit that should have been a choke instead.
Speaking of exciter wars, we're still looking for a schematic of a PL19A130605G4 channel element that shows component values. Can anyone help?

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