As a former Motorola dealer employee, and a government purchaser of radios, I also found the same to be true. I bought a HT from the dealership as an employee (part-time). I liked the radio so much, I placed an order for 12 more for my fire department. The difference in price was several hundred dollars. I obtained bids from 2 other dealers, as the projected expense required it under the city rules. As a part-time employee, I bought the city radios from a competitor, at a savings of $100+ each. This was not a closed bid deal, and my employer was given the chance to match the price, but declined.
On another note, I went shopping in 1994 for a Pontiac Sunbird. The model/option combination was found via the vehicle locator system, and the dealership would not budge on their price. I was able to read the name of the dealer that actually had the vehicle and drive the 70 miles to it. I bought it there, for a savings of $1400. This was not a similar car, but the exact same car!
Chris Wilkie

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