I can beat that, I've seen a cavity made out of flexible dryer exhaust hose for 6M.  Had a beautiful notch, but it moved all over the place if you moved around in the room. 

I did have a crazy idea to use ABS pipe with spray copper coating on the inside, but the metal to plastic expansion factors would make noise like a bitch when the site changes tempreture.

I should have known better than to ask you lot about beer! hi.
Whilst some beer barrels are stainless steel, some in the UK are plastic coated aluminium (I'm suprised no one mentioned making cavities out of the old wooden kegs!!!!!)
Seriously though I have seen duplexers made from beer barrels (not 6m one's !) and I don't know if the barrels would have enough height for 2m one's ?
Any serious designs/comments please ?
                            Cheers Dave

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