Before you go and cut down this UHF slotted dipole antenna Off the top..
 My questions are.... Do you Own the Tower? or just another Tenant using it?
 make sure that  No one using it.  it may no longer be  used for a translator, However
 It may still be used by a local LPTV station.
 Personally I do not thing that the slotted dipole is the cause of  interference...
On our Tower the static problems were caused by oxidation on the Guy Cables
 and in  the tower sections... We ended up Bonding all the Tower sections together with straps
and lube all the Guy cable Connection points with Lithium Grease.
 this solved  our  repeater noise problem for almost 2 years... Just recently   the noise came back.
 BTW  I would use the Lithium Grease on each of the sections of the G7 also  then use Heat shrink to  seal  over the joints so the weather does not affect the grease.. My G7 on 220 has been in operation    since the late 80's with no problems...
 Neal KA2CAF
Jack Davis wrote:
This looks like one of the old Bogner 8 bay UHF antennas, I would guess it weighs somewhere in the 750 to 1250 pound range.  I believe that Cablewave picked up the Bogner line and later merged with RFS.  With your picture you may be able to get a spec sheet from them.  You could try Bill Mieola at RFS and see if he can help you out.  If weight is an issue, you may have to take an acetylene torch up the tower and hack it into pieces that can be disposed of.  Have you tried to run your repeater into this antenna?  You may be surprised!
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] What is it?

I would join, then post a question to the Tower-Pro group here on YahooGroups.  They should be able to give you an idea of weight.  Any of the commercial TV-FM antennas that I have seen can get pretty heavy.

73, Joe, K1ike

At 10:58 PM 9/12/2004, you wrote:
We are getting some strange receiver noises (intermittent
pops/cracks/static) as well as sudden losses of sensitivity on our 2
meter machine.  This is what the top of our tower looks like:

The thin white vertical is our Hustler G7.  The other antenna is what
I'm asking about.  I know it's probably a late 70's era UHF TV
broadcast antenna...our site was used by the county gov't for a TV
translator site before it was abandoned.  It needs to come off, but
how much does this thing weigh?  I don't want to tie a ginpole to it,
loosen all eight bolts and find out it weighs 300
pounds....especially if gravity suddenly takes over!!!

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