Why not put the PL decoder at the voter site where you can control it ?
> I'm in the early feasibility stage of moving an OEM repeater from
> single-site to multiple receivers and a central control/transmitter.
> The receivers will probably be linked to the control/transmitter site
> via microwave POTS quality audio channels; NO direct DC control.
> One fairly critical requirement that has me concerned is the need to
> be able to selectively disable remote receiver PL from the control
> site.
> Without a "back channel" (I'm not sure there is one so I'm planning
> worst case) to permit the control site to send a PL disable signal to
> the remote(s).
> It is also unlikely that the link will pass most (any?) PL tones.
> So... how might one best carry a PL detect signal along with the
> remote receiver audio?
> Restated;
> PL detection but NOT PL squelch control in the remote.
> PL detect signal (expressed as an audio tone?) sent to central site
> along with remote receiver audio.
> Central site selectively passes remote audio based on presence of PL
> "signal" to the voter.
> Is there an accepted / commercial solution or will this become a
> "project"?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bill - WB1GOT

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