I take the right to free speech serious, as well.  But…


…Your right to free speech ends when someone else “owns”, privately, the place you are speaking.  If you don’t believe that,

Walk in my house using language that I do not approve of.  I will educate that person real fast.


Kevin owns this list.  It’s his.  No different than his home, his car, his yard.  He has FULL and ABSOLUTE right to issue any rules that he wishes.  That fact overrides any other.  Acknowledging THAT requires respect.  To me, complaining about someone exercising their right, in their solely “owned” atmosphere shows a lack of that respect.


If I don’t like the rules, I move on.  If I do, I stay.  Just the same as if I were in his home.  And by the same token, he can remove me whenever he wishes.


Free speech has nothing to do with this.  The issue is do we respect Kevin’s desire to run his list the way HE wants to.


…I do.


Carry on Kevin.  You are doing a good job in my book.  I can live with the rules.  I get more from this list way greater than I give.  I know that.



Henry, KC4KZT




Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 10:44 AM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] New poll for Repeater-Builder


I take the right of free speech serous!

You should as well.



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