Thanks for the reply, Roger! 
I can have my friend Dave Klingensmith from Lake Samish, WA, pick
it up from you.  His daughter works in Mt. Vernon.  Consequently, I'm
not concerned about weight/shipping.
73, Lance WN0L
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] WTS Sinclair Duplexer VHF

 My pleasant surprise, thanks to all who, in the rush of Christmas eve activities, who took the time to  respond to my WTS email.   I just realized that I missed a couple of things.   I didn't weigh the beast and I didn't get the photos taken.   I will fix that this afternoon and will email the photos in low pixel rate to the responders.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 20:59:32 -0500
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] WTS Sinclair Duplexer VHF

Storage shed is too full.  I need to place into someone's hands a genuine Sinclair hybrid-ring duplexer.  It is currently tuned to 147.090 MHz.  Our repeater group replaced the Sinclair by Wacom duplexer in 1980 when we moved down to 147.080 per the band plan.  I've had the sinclair in my high and dry basement shop until this summer.  It's now in my heated, dry storage unit.  It is in original condition.
It's free.   BUT, you pay the freight!   Photos (jpeg) can be provided with a 48 hr wait period.
If no one wants it.  Jan 02, it's going to the metal recycler.
Roger Hansen, W6TOZ
Mount Vernon, WA 98274



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