Comments threaded...

OK, time to ask.  I do not get anything as an attachment.  I view this list on the Web.  It seems like there is a reason, but I do not remember why these attachments are not stored.  Is there a way for me to get these attachments?

If you are subscribed in the Digest Mode or No Mail Mode, attachments are stripped.  That is not my rule, that is Yahoo's rule.  If you want attachments, you'll need to receive the individual emails.
I went to the website and could NOT find the Z Matcher info.pdf.  Is there a sheet somewhere that explains how to find these articles? I am not ashamed to say there is a lot of information I ask for that is already posted if I had an idea of how or where to look.  HELP!

Things that are posted on the RB email list are not *automatically* placed on Repeater Builder Dot Com website.  It takes either myself or a volunteer to do so manually.  I don't elect to place every last thing that gets passed over the reflector on the site, as we just don't have the space or time. 

While the Z Matcher information is slated to become an article, with plenty of links to information, this will take the volunteers some time.

Thanks for your consideration and understanding,
Kevin Custer


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