After looking at the number of transmitters operated by the Fulton County Sheriff and the Rochester Police Department, I can see that there are a number of possibilities.  For example, when you double the Rochester PD channel at 155.130 MHz and then subtract the nearby NOAA Weather Radio Station WXK74 at 162.475 MHz, you get a third-order IM product at 147.305 MHz- only 20 kHz away from your 2m repeater's output.  An Amateur-grade radio might be loose enough to pick that up.  That's why I asked about whether a commercial-grade radio received the same interference.
My gut feeling is that there is a third-order IM product that involves one of the police or sheriff frequencies, and the mixing may be occurring in a transmitter that does not belong to Fulton County or the City of Rochester.  I believe that the best way to determine what carriers are causing the interference is to set up a spectrum analyzer where the interference is very strong, and monitor the spectrum to see what carriers are always present when the interference occurs.  Since the sheriff uses UHF control stations, you might also monitor that band for clues.  Steady carriers used by broadcast station STL (studio-to-transmitter link) or remote-monitoring equipment often are on the air 24/7 and can be just dead carriers most of the time.  High-power paging transmitters are also IM candidates.
I'd collect a lot more data before contacting anyone on the law-enforcement side.  Use accurate equipment to determine exactly which frequencies are key to the interference.  Some of the channels are very few kHz apart, so you need to be able to identify each frequency.
When the time comes to make contact with the agency involved, don't call the chief!  Look up the point of contact for the station licensee in the FCC license database.  For Fulton County license KSB609, it's the Communications Director at 574-223-2910.  Just call and ask for the Radio Shop.  Tact and diplomacy goes a long way here, especially since you are offering to help clear up a little problem that may cause interference to their radio system.
73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY


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