It's very true that site prices can be widely different, especially depending on what you're putting up.  At one time my work used to pay $1.00 a month for our main transmitter site.  Then the old story of site management change came into play and they wanted more money of course.  We are now paying a little over $4000.00 dollars a month for our main transmitter site downtown.  Granted we do have our own air conditioned locked room, and five antennas on the building, including the highest spot on the tower that is on top of the building.  Even with paying them all that money I still haven't convinced them to let me put up any Ham repeater antennas, but I'm still working on the new management.  Maybe once they have been there a little while longer I'll be able to convince them.

Doug Bade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anywhere from Free to cost of electric to $2000.00 a month.

Locale is very influential.... It is extremely variable... I have
sites of $25.00 a month for hams, and $950 a month for paging
carriers 2 way systems.

Major cities can easily double that.... depending on the site, rural
areas can easily halve that..... Electric may or may not be included..

You need to be a lot more specific if you need a real answer.


At 04:48 PM 5/31/2006, you wrote:
Does anyone know how much the average cost is for a repeater site on
an existing tower?


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