> 2. You should ONLY be using deep cycle cells - used in marine 
> industry and Uniteruptable power systems -- DO NOT stop at your 
> local automotive dealer -- car/truck batteries are totally 
> inapprorpiate for this application. 

Not always... some people are actually on a low budget and while 
an 8D Truck Battery might not be the best engineering choice... it 
can be a very cost effective path when priced typical 1/4 to 1/3 the 
retail price of a same size high-end battery deep cycle battery. 

Using large auto/truck batteries might be a more practical choice. 

The debate over using various battery types at solar sites would 
be a long thread.  

> The size and capacity fo the cells must be matched to your load 
> AND to the expected solar panel charging ability. (This is the 
> "teeter totter" part of the design).

Matched pretty much only in the best made plans and budgets. But 
sometimes you have to take/use what resources are the most practical 
or available. 

I'm using deep cycle, flooded lead acid and surplus station 
batteries at many remote sites. From experience I can tell you 
a lot of the many pros and cons for using each type. ... and of 
course each site capacity and each setup is different. Every 
soup requires a bit of "season to taste". 

In a practical application... 4D and 8D Auto Batteries can and do 
work pretty well in at remote sites and they're a lot cheaper 
than the deep cycle types if you're on a budget. They are not the 
best choice... but the best choice does cost a lot more if you 
can go that route. 


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