Hi, Kevin I'm pretty sure that's how I followed the conversation, too. However, Jordan was the one who was actually looking for the information on how to do it.
My system is up and running happily with the status tone - and since the county radio system is allowing me to piggyback my audio on their microwave backbone, there was no need for me to convert. But it looks like Jordan might be investigating the use of remote radio links and may need that info for his project. Mark - N9WYS -----Original Message----- From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Kevin Custer Jordan, Mark, et al, I have a some of information on the subject of using the Motorola Spectra-TAC voter in a non-Motorola environment. Unfortunately, this information exists in many emails and is not a complete representation of all of the concepts that were discussed in a past thread. That being said, I will offer to either forward the emails I have or make a web page (as hap-hazard as it may be) to convey the information I gathered on the subject. Since I never completed the voter project I set out to do, it is only information and guidelines and won't be the detailed conversion article I would rather it be. Let me know and I'll put something together... Kevin Custer