On 1/4/07, radiomog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'd like to know if there is a technology using COTS products to take
> multiple repeater audio's at site A and send them via RF link to site
> B, to be broken back out to respective repeaters and vice versa.
> "home" to-
> link 1 = 29 miles
> link 2 = 50 miles
> link 3 = 54 miles
> presently we're using a vhf link between home and link 2
> and uhf to link 1/3.

Sounds like you're already using a COTS product to do it?  Not sure
what you're looking for?

If you have three links to get to "home" you need three discreet audio
paths.  You could do it the way you are, you could do it with
microwave hops and T1's with channel banks attached (huge overkill for
three audio paths), or you could buy VoIP type products and shoot data
from 1 2 and 3 back to home... bunches of ways to link things.  Not
quite sure what your goal is.

It seems from later in your post, you're looking to save on
rent/cost/complexity/unknown by not adding antennas at "home" which
seems reasonable.

If all you're trying to do is save on antennas and tower space at
"home", you could use a standard  UHF multi-coupler system including
isolation for each transmitter and pre-amp to make up for losses for
the receivers... and hook that to your UHF antenna.  Then you could
run a large number of radios on that single antenna if you design it
right.  Then hook up as many UHF link radios to it as you like... if
your UHF antenna there can be omni-directional.

More likely, you're needing uni-directional antennas, to make your
paths work, so you're going to have to get fancier.

With "home" being the high site, a nice omni on UHF shared with
multiple link radios there in the cabinet, and yagi's pointed at
"home" from the satellite locations seems like it'd work just fine,
and save you not having additional antennas on the tower, if that's
truly the goal.

Is it?

Nate WY0X

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