Laryn, That's what I got from the DB tech's. I was told from the club
I got this from. That it was a custom order from DB Products. It has 
the DB split connectors between each antenna. And a phasing harness 
about 5 foot long for the feedline connection.

I've had this antenna about four years. The tower is 195' and the 
antenna has a 1.3-1 SWR. seems to be working great. I am putting 
together a binder with all my repeater equipment infomation. Was just 
hoping someone might have some infomation I could put in the binder.
I have a copy of the catalog page.

> Hmmm....  I have the DB304 info in my old DB catalog.  What it shows
> is the L version, which places all dipoles in line with each other. 
> And the D version, which basically splits the DB304 into two, with
> separate feedlines, and 3.2dbd gain each.  The DB304 is rated at 6.1
> or 6.7dbd gain, depending on whether the dipoles are in line or at
> 90deg with each other.
> So, I'm not sure why you have a DB304DL with 16 dipoles, 8 levels I
> assume.  The gain figures and the picture in the catalog I have both
> indicate an antenna with 4 levels, each level having two dipoles side
> by side, like a DB408.  Could you have two 304DLs on one long mast? 
> Check the model number again, and check for more than one feedline on
> there somewhere.
> Laryn K8TVZ

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