Jeff - If you have a TSU6/KQT8 CTCSS decoder installed you can get an
active high from the foil side pin 4 marked as "SDO" in the service
manual(assuming you have one).....dan n2aym

--- In, "jkstrsn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a TM-431A which I want to use as a half-duplex link.  I can 
> easily get audio in and output,  but I'm stumped on how to get a 
> voltage change when the squelch opens for COS (Carrier-operated-squelch)
> Ideally I'd like a voltage that swings only when the CTCSS is detected 
> as well as squelch open,  but I'd settle for one that is just the 
> squelch.
> My controller is an ICS linker.  
> Does anyone know the proper point to connect to,  or does anyone have a 
> service manual for this unit?
> Thanks,
> Jeff WB0LRX

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