On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >You ARE aware that if someone else gets coordination there and the 
> >FCC gets involved, you *will lose*, right?
> Not necessarily.  If you can prove that you tried to cooperate with 
> the frequency coordinator in good faith & the coordinator failed to 
> respond in kind, the FCC will do little past the letter of inquiry.  
> I have witnessed this first hand.

Man, you Northerners and Westerners are an aweful petty bunch. Stuff 
like this would NEVER happen in the South


I think that this really reflects a serious negative attitude in our 
hobby that should be addressed. People get entirely too tied over over 
'my pair' when there are other bands to conquer. This behavior furthers 
in the mindset that this is an old man's hobby -- because only an old 
man with nothing else to do with his time but cause trouble can sustain 
the fight., The result causes brilliant technically minded people to 
leave, go elsewhere, or just write off entire groups of people based on 
the interactions with a few bad apples. Food for thought.

"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a bit
longer."    -- Henry Kissinger

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