Well almost up! It is at my house in Murphy and will be over at the tower in a 
few weeks. I am going to run it across the IFR we have at the repeater building 
first before I hook it up to the antennas at the tower. I will play with it a 
few days at my house, but have no antenna other than a 3 dB omni which I got 
from TI. Since I do not have a tower at my house, the repeater just looks into 
a dummy load. I will haywire up the omni just to see what it sounds like with 
the two Spectras I have this weekend and then haul it over to the tower next 


>From: Jay Urish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2007/01/31 Wed PM 11:25:45 CST
>To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 900 MHz MSF5000 up and running with CAT200 

>So its up???
>If so YAY!
>I need to get my GTX mobile programed..
>If all the TI's repeaters are at the site, maybe its time to arcom it 
>and forget it :)
>Roger White wrote:
>> I finally finished wiring in the CAT200 controller in my digital MSF5000 
>> tonight. Followed Bob, WA1MIK's directions in the website, the first 
>> time I fired it up after modifying the codeplug for the external 
>> controller, it talked to me! Was I excited. I sounded more like a 
>> teenager than the 63 year old kid I am (today 63 BTW).
>> Obviously, w/o Bob's many e-mail exchanges, I would not be at this 
>> point. His instructions on the MSF page to modify the repeater for the 
>> CAT controller are very easy to follow and he is to be commended along 
>> with the rest of the repeater-builder hams whose info I have used 
>> successfully.
>> Back late last year, I started this journey, not inexperienced in 
>> repeaters or this RF range (I am nearing retirement as a microwave 
>> engineer at Raytheon here in Dallas), but i knew absolutely nothing 
>> about rigs, repeaters, etc. on 900 MHz. I found this website and forum 
>> thru Yahoo and a few months later, here I am. Looking back over the 
>> journey, it was not hard at all, even for me. But Bob provided the 
>> gentle guidance and prodding to get me where I am today. Hopefully, the 
>> repeater will be up on the TI tower (antenna around 400 ft. high) in mid 
>> February.
>> Look for the W5RD/R DPL 432 on 927.1125 MHz if you come thru town. The 
>> TI club also has repeaters on 145.43, 224.18 and 444.025 MHz on the same 
>> tower.
>> Roger W5RD
>Jay Urish W5GM
>ARRL Life Member       Denton County ARRL VEC
>N5ERS VP/Trustee       
>Monitoring 444.850 PL-88.5

Roger White
Murphy, Texas

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