All the pass transistors test good. No shorts to
ground or from emitter to collector.

The positive terminal of the diodes has 0 ohms to the
negative terminal of the power supply. I'm sure it's
the diodes; the capacitor and regulator had hundreds
of ohms across them.

Bob M.
--- Kevin Custer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> His failure is hardly due to running the supply
> right at its maximum
> >> continuous rating.
> >> NEXT?
> >>     
> >
> > <---I would submit that metal migration within the
> diodes was a 
> > factor in their failure. (I first heard about this
> when I worked at 
> > TRW in the 1970's and RF power transistors were
> still kinda "new")
> >
> >
> I'd guess it isn't the diodes, but is one or more
> Pass Transistors shorted.
> Just a guess....
> Kevin

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