--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Ken Arck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have a customer with the following issue:
> Scenario: Amateur repeater (Mastr II) installed at a 100,000 FM 
> xmtr site.
> Issue: Very low level audio of radio station appears on Mastr II's 
> xmtr (yes, external controller). Repeater owner hasn't fully 
> explained what "very low level" means. But regardless.....
> Question: The only way I see this happening is due to some AM 
> component on radio station's transmitter.
> Thoughts?


I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but yes, this sounds like a classic 
case of Intermood.

The repeater antenna and feed line are passive items, meaning that 
they don't do anything but sit there with the ability to transmit 
and receive on different frequencies at the same time!

The FM station's 100KW signal comes into the repeater's coax from 
the antenna, mixes in the repeater's finale which is a nonlinear 
class C circuit, and gets transmitted on the repeater's output.

IF this is the case, a cavity filter tuned to the FM station's  
signal, at the botom of the coax at the repeater's output, should 
take out the offending signal.  This can be built out of a large tin 
can, per data on the Internet.  Suggest starting with 2 number 10 
tin cans stacked and soldered together for that frequency, which 
would be bigger than one number 10 cavity, made for 2 meters or 

Also to consider, having a 100KW FM broadcast signal right next to a 
antenna, coax, and repeater receiver rated in the microvolt region, 
is a lot to expect, overloading the receiver and probably also 
causing desence in the repeater receiver.  A cavity at the repeater 
receiver, also tuned to the 100KW FM station's carrier, should solve 

"Been there, done that!"

Best wishes,

Dick, W7TIO (retired Mobile Radio Communications tech.)


> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> President and CTO - Arcom Communications
> Makers of the world famous RC210 Repeater Controller and 
> http://www.arcomcontrollers.com/
> Authorized Dealers for Kenwood and Telewave and
> we offer complete repeater packages!
> AH6LE/R - IRLP Node 3000
> http://www.irlp.net

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