Just picked up a used PL board for an MSR2000 and have a few 

1. I need to replace the reeds for my desired PL freq. The unit came 
supplied with two vibrasponder reeds (same PL). I want to use the 
card for decode as well as tx encode out.  Do I also need to continue 
to use two vibrasponder reeds, or do I need to use one 'sponder and 
one 'sender reed in the two slots (sounds more logical)?  

2. Which socket is the tx and which is the rx socket?

3. Does anyone have a scanned image of the PL board schematic and/or 
jumper listings?  Unfortunately I don't have a audio&control manual 

Anyone have any experience with effect on receiver audio quality with 
the PL filter inline versus out of line?  Reason I ask is that I 
originally set up the repeater with a TS64 board (which failed), and 
left JU1 on the audio card in place. The receiver audio has excellent 
freq response. I was planning on removing the JU1 once I install the 
OEM PL card and remove the TS64, thus inserting the PL filter in line 
with the rx audio feeding the controller. I'm hoping the freq 
response remains the same. My experience with Micor base receivers is 
that the PL filter changes the audio response, thus the extra cap tht 
is jumpered in when the filter is not present. Hence the question....



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