This says a lot, not only for the list itself, but the people who populate

There is a **wealth** of information here, which I like to "consume" on a
regular basis.  This is one of the lists that I actually get individual
messages from - simply because I >LIKE< to read the material, and I actually
LEARN from the posts.  (When I feel I have a little information of worth, I
contribute also...)

Congratulations to Mike and all who own/administer this group.  3400 members
says a LOT about your efforts!!

73 de Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Mike Morris WA6ILQ

---- (snip) ----

BTW the group was created on Feb 13 1999 and
by 1-2000 the group had 163 members.
By 1-2001 it had 350 members.
By 1-2002 it had 653 members.
By 1-2003 it had 989 members.
By 1-2004 it had 1450 members.
By 1-2005 it had 1896 members.
By 1-2006 it had 2519 members.
By the first of this year it had 3288 members.
And as of today we have 3402 members


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