Dear Colleagues,

  I've laid out the big bucks and purchased an HP 8753C network 
analyzer so my previous and trusty HP 8505A system is now offered for 
sale.  Using a network analyzer provides the fastest and most 
accurate means of tuning duplexers.  Here are the details. 

   It's completely functional (has served as my own personal unit) 
and it's one of the cleanest ones I've ever seen.  It comes as a 
complete system. All cables, manuals, overlays and accessories are 
included. Anyone buying this unit will take it home, apply power and 
have a fully functioning unit.

  The HP 8505A system covers 500kHz to 1300MHz.  It's a vector 
analyzer.  There is a complete set of overlays so Smith Chart, log 
freq, etc. points can be read directly.  All 4 S-Parameters can be 
measured without disconnecting the DUT since the S-Parameter test set 
is included.  The trace can be smoothed and averaged with the Storage 
Normalizer Set.

   The system comes complete in 4 stackable and locking units as such:

HP 8501A Storage Normalizer
HP 8505A Network Analyzer
                 Source Converter
HP 8503A S-Parameter Test Set

    All operating and service manuals are included in print form as 
well as various application notes and getting started guides.

   For anyone able to pick up the unit here, there will be a special 
surprise.  I will include a spare unit (Storage Normalizer, Network 
Analyzer and Source Converter only less the S-Parameter test set) for 
free for sparing me the trouble of packing and shipping.

   This is the same analyzer seen in the photo on page 9-61 of 
ON4UN's, "Low-Band DX-ing," 4th edition.  In addition to antenna 
matching, it makes tuning duplexers a breeze.

   Please contact me off list if interested.


Mike DiGirolamo, W4XN
Charlottesville, VA

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