Well I have gone back to Decibel catalogue 23.  Older books discarded.  I am 
pretty sure that at one time the DB224 was rated at 4.5 dBd, and then later 
at 6 dBd., but this is from memory, I can't find an older catalogue.

Regarding a clean and shiny antenna, we had a discussion at coffee.  The 
preposition was that radio waves and light have many similarities, ie., 
wavelength, reflection, Fresnel behavior, and so forth.  Using these 
similarities, a mirror reflects light, and a dark surface absorbs light, 
sooooooooooooooooo, wouldn't a shiny antenna reflect incoming signals while 
a dark colored antenna absorbs signals?  This may only apply to receiving 
antennas - hope I can get this idea to market before the April 1 edition of 
QST..         .... ..    .... ..     de nu5d 

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