Usually one or more of the diode rectifiers on the
chassis short out. This causes the main 8A fuse to
blow rather quickly.

I had this happen to two RS35 supplies in the last 6

However the main filter capacitor could also be bad.
At least that's easy to disconnect and measure with an

The only way to tell for sure is to completely
unsolder them and measure all the diodes with an
ohm-meter. If anything is open or shorted, replace
them. Older supplies will have two stud diodes, others
will have two square bridge rectifiers wired in

I found someone on eBay selling 1000V 50A bridge
rectifiers for about $5. I used one of these in my
last RS35 to replace the pair of 100V 35A bridge
rectifiers put in at the factory. So far it's working

Easy fix once you have the new parts.

Bob M.
--- mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> my power supply keeps blowing the fuse 
> changed the pc board 
> i dont know where to go nent
> any help is apperacited
> thanks 
> kd5ntp

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